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  1. Bouan Philippe

    Arizona Senate Hearing on Maricopa County Audit Results

    Such a clever answer; how did you get into Cambridge University? I suspect by the process of affirmative action, not by merit, but only via a Socialist institution such as Positive Discrimination could explain it. Since there are no "model" minorities at all in the UK you are still eligible to...
  2. Bouan Philippe

    China could still be defeated, invaded, and conquered.

    Dismissing the occult as a non-religion is like dismissing any other faith, including Christianity. Like Christianity, the entire area of occultism is part and parcel of Western religion and civilisation; but if you don't like Christianity and Western civilisation, then what are you doing on...
  3. Bouan Philippe

    China could still be defeated, invaded, and conquered.

    Why are you supporting China, unless you've assumed that they are your people; in which case, you shouldn't be in this country at all, but should be deported?
  4. Bouan Philippe

    China could still be defeated, invaded, and conquered.

    Isn’t Isaiah your favourite book in the Old Testament because "one eye is higher than the other"? Are you not from Longlevens in Gloucester?
  5. Bouan Philippe

    China could still be defeated, invaded, and conquered.

    Obviously, I'm not going to tell you because it's a military state secret that belongs to the invading country.
  6. Bouan Philippe

    China could still be defeated, invaded, and conquered.

    You yourself are not entitled to be taken seriously because you are clearly from China, which is obviously inferior to any country in the Western world. Only a heathen inferior race such as your kind would reject the idea that Jesus Christ will bring the entire world under his heel (1...
  7. Bouan Philippe

    China could still be defeated, invaded, and conquered.

    Theoretically, I can still be the future sovereign of any nation within the European Union based on the fact that I am directly descended from 4 Russian Tsars and 6 British Monarchs, which is not Poe's law, but the law of Christ. However, I absolutely disdain this remark and attitude by...
  8. Bouan Philippe

    China could still be defeated, invaded, and conquered.

    There is no de facto difference between a hired assassin and the person who hired him; both are guilty, and both are in it together.
  9. Bouan Philippe

    China could still be defeated, invaded, and conquered.

    However, you seem to forget that my grandchildren would look like Iain Duncan Smith who is not required to speak Mandarin at all to land a top position within David Cameron's cabinet, but why should any European speak Mandarin (which is clearly inferior) to work inside the EU? Since my...
  10. Bouan Philippe

    China could still be defeated, invaded, and conquered.

    Obviously, I didn't bother to read your answer at all because your version of the Bible is clearly foreign and has nothing to do with Western civilisation at all. No matter what you do or say in the here and now, no power on earth can avert this war, nor prevent the ultimate defeat, invasion...
  11. Bouan Philippe

    China could still be defeated, invaded, and conquered.

    But you haven't cited the relevant scripture to support your bold letters. On the contrary, Jesus said that he would come with a sword (Matthew 10:34), the war of Armageddon is a real war involving real violence, death, and destruction in accordance with the scripture (Revelation 19). Is there...
  12. Bouan Philippe

    China could still be defeated, invaded, and conquered.

    The US alone has 13 carrier groups which would be capable of launching an all out amphibious invasion of China, although I am not suggesting that America should be the invading country.
  13. Bouan Philippe

    China could still be defeated, invaded, and conquered.

    Basically, it is still a public forum that is used by different interest groups who may be acting multilaterally to prevent all out war, but it won't serve to discourage me from starting this war in the long term. All it requires is for me to surround myself with cabinet colleagues who are...
  14. Bouan Philippe

    China could still be defeated, invaded, and conquered.

    For exactly the same reason that he told the Israelites to kill and displace the inhabitants of Canaan in Deuteronomy 20:16-17. If he could do it by himself why would he need to command the Israelites to carry out the genocide? Because God had intended humans to be Co-Creators alongside him...
  15. Bouan Philippe

    China could still be defeated, invaded, and conquered.

    If Europeans could rule Africa, Asia and Latin America during the Age of Imperialism in the 19th century, then there is no reason that America could not project its influence across the Pacific in order to subjugate the Chinese. Except I do not believe that the Conquering nation should be the US.
  16. Bouan Philippe

    China could still be defeated, invaded, and conquered.

    Obviously, it would be advantageous to remove such a threat by invading their country. Ultimately, China could never rule the world because God is not on their side, but only the sons of Japheth could ever rule this earth (Genesis 9:27). Chinese could never rule the world become they are not...
  17. Bouan Philippe

    China could still be defeated, invaded, and conquered.

    End times theology has suggested that every country would come under God's dominion, but it's difficult to see how this could happen without a purposeful program of worldwide military expansion, which would include China as a targeted country. Rather than expressing the usual objections, can...
  18. Bouan Philippe

    China could still be defeated, invaded, and conquered.

    The inexpensive consumer goods could be obtained by the military occupation and economic exploitation of China, because the same workers would still be content to work for slave wages. Why is it a bad idea to invade China if the terrain and climate is not as harsh nor severe as the Russian...
  19. Bouan Philippe

    China could still be defeated, invaded, and conquered.

    Simply because it is foretold by the scripture, which says that God's dominion would include every country throughout the world (Daniel 7:14; Zechariah 14:9; Daniel 2:34-35); but it's difficult to see how such a dominion could be worldwide without a program of military expansion by one country...