Search results

  1. Resident Alien

    When the bible says "jesus descended to hell"

    The Bible doesn't actually say Jesus descended to Hell. This is found in the Apostle's Creed: "He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to hell. The third day he rose again from the dead." When Jesus was on the cross He said: "Then Jesus, calling...
  2. Resident Alien

    Looking for a Messianic congregation

    Thank you all for your thoughtful replies. After reading and considering what you've said I've been able to focus in on what seems to trouble me most about the Jewish Messianic groups I've encountered. That is, they all seem to concentrate heavily on the Torah at the expense of the New...
  3. Resident Alien

    Looking for a Messianic congregation

    Hi. So many Gentile churches are anti semitic and anti Zionist. Replacement theology seems rampant. So I'm looking for a congregation that is more pro Jewish and pro Israel. I understand why Jewish believers wouldn't want to lose their Jewishness or abandon all their traditions but it seems...
  4. Resident Alien

    Is the KJV 1900 God's perfect preserved word?

    Even if you have a perfect understanding of Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic you still won't know the perfectly inspired Word of God unless you have access to an original autograph. The autographs are the only documents we can say for sure are without error. Since we have no autographs we don't know...