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  1. natitude

    Creation Ex Nihilo: A doctrine created out of nothing?

    Au contraire... Christopher Stead of the Cambridge Divinity School explains how a statement that God is spirit would have been interpreted within ancient Judaism: By saying that God is spiritual, we do not mean that he has no body … but rather that he is the source of a mysterious life-giving...
  2. natitude

    Creation Ex Nihilo: A doctrine created out of nothing?

    One's breath includes the molecules that are inhaled and exhaled - molecules that are... material!
  3. natitude

    Creation Ex Nihilo: A doctrine created out of nothing?

    The additional verses you provide don't change the context in the least. What other context could there possible be? Read in context it plainly says that the resurrected Christ is spirit. The resurrected Christ has a body of flesh and bone. (See Phillipians 3:21.) Christ with his body of...
  4. natitude

    Creation Ex Nihilo: A doctrine created out of nothing?

    But there are verses that say that people are spirit. 1 Corinthians 6:17 But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit. 1 Corinthians 15:45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam [Christ] was made a quickening spirit. John 3:6 That which is born of...
  5. natitude

    Creation Ex Nihilo: A doctrine created out of nothing?

    By any chance do you any Bible verses that show that spirit is not composed of matter? Do we need to look for religious understanding in a secular dictionary?
  6. natitude

    Creation Ex Nihilo: A doctrine created out of nothing?

    From the link you provided: The biblical writers give us to understand that the universe had a temporal origin and thus imply creatio ex nihilo in the temporal sense that God brought the universe into being without a material cause at some point in the finite past. Funny how he has to say...
  7. natitude

    Creation Ex Nihilo: A doctrine created out of nothing?

    Which specific quote are you referring to? In which comment was it originally provided (even if indirectly via a link)? Thanks.
  8. natitude

    Creation Ex Nihilo: A doctrine created out of nothing?

    He was not an apostle or prophet. Given the time frame he was probably one of the early perpetrators of the new doctrine.
  9. natitude

    Creation Ex Nihilo: A doctrine created out of nothing?

    This chap is well after the mid-second century AD when the doctrine of creation ex nihilo was invented.
  10. natitude

    Creation Ex Nihilo: A doctrine created out of nothing?

    The short answer is yes. For example, The Book of Mormon teaches that mercy cannot rob justice. And that the purpose of the Atonement was to provide mercy to the truly penitent while answering the demands of justice. A) there is no "non-eternal" matter B) matter is subject to God
  11. natitude

    Creation Ex Nihilo: A doctrine created out of nothing?

    What else does "All Things" not include?
  12. natitude

    Creation Ex Nihilo: A doctrine created out of nothing?

    The Pope and Tresmontant lived well after the mid-Second Century AD. It would be expected that they tow the Trinitarian party line.
  13. natitude

    Creation Ex Nihilo: A doctrine created out of nothing?

    This statement completely ignores Justin Martyr who I quoted earlier. It ignores that Thomas Aquinas said that all of his writings were as straw. And it ignores that fact that early church councils were collections of Bishop who were not authorized to speak for God to the Church as a whle...
  14. natitude

    Keep a word, Drop a word

    Are you saying that what's commonly called Jamaican Jerk Chicken is formally "Jerked Chicken"? Here's a video about making Jamaican Jerk Chicken. (The secret ingredient, of course, being jerk sauce.)
  15. natitude

    Creation Ex Nihilo: A doctrine created out of nothing?

    There is nothing in this verse that rules out God speaking to unformed matter and having it shaped to His liking. No one else speaks to nothing. Why would God? "framed by the word of God" assumes starting with some sort of raw material. Absolute nothing can't be framed. Regarding this...
  16. natitude

    Creation Ex Nihilo: A doctrine created out of nothing?

    The "Gap Theory" is plainly contradicted by the highly regarded translation of Genesis 1:1-3 by E.A. Speiser in the Anchor Bible Series is as follows: When God set about to create heaven and earth – the world being a formless waste, with darkness over the seas…- God said, “Let there be light.”...
  17. natitude

    Creation Ex Nihilo: A doctrine created out of nothing?

    I've read to quote and don't see it. Which words are you referring to? Thanks.