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  1. Artorius Lacomus

    Created to Glorify God-Isaiah 43:7

    Ᾰ Created to Glorify God-Isaiah 43:7 If I created a painting or new type of technology and then publicly stated that I made this new creation so I would be glorified, I'd be scoffed at because of my vanity. In truth, none of us would say that because we know what the reaction would be. We'd...
  2. Artorius Lacomus

    Controlling God

    That's a great analogy, what I call being in sync with God but you just gave a perfect illustration of it. And I know we don't control the wind or God but moving with the wind or against it, is (in my opinion) controls how the wind, or God effects us. And if we tend to move with God, I believe...
  3. Artorius Lacomus

    Most Christians have no concept of what Heaven is really like

    I doubt ANY Christian, myself, yourself, and all others know what heaven is REALLY like. But in perspective, I haven't met any that were trying to prove themselves experts on the subject either
  4. Artorius Lacomus

    Controlling God

    Ᾰ Controlling God It seems blasphemous to imagine ourselves having control over the presence or power of God but Scripture seems to allude otherwise. In Psalm 70 David prays that God be magnified and in The Magnificat our Blessed Mother unabashedly proclaims claims her soul to be magnifying...
  5. Artorius Lacomus

    Sacrificing Isaac

    I think you realize I already provided that evidence in the post about the ancient world legality of killing your own son or daughter up to 3 years of age. I'm also certain you already know plenty of other examples of old world brutality that are now nonexistent or nearly so. Your second...
  6. Artorius Lacomus

    Sacrificing Isaac

    Just to clarify, are you implying that in certain cases, under certain conditions that God was or is okay with human sacrifice?
  7. Artorius Lacomus

    Sacrificing Isaac

    The post was not about artistry or craftsmanship. And if this is about the word brutish, just realize a great artist can still be a great brute. There is much which separates us from Abraham, levels of faith being the most well known. If you're not willing to sacrifice your son at the command...
  8. Artorius Lacomus

    Sacrificing Isaac

    I would call abortion murder or infanticide The only reason I would stop short of calling it human sacrifice is that I don't think the women going in for abortion are doing it with the conscious intent of sacrificing a child to a supernatural deity. I certainly get where you're coming from...
  9. Artorius Lacomus

    Sacrificing Isaac

    Genesis 20:1-18 I believe Abimelech is acting our of fear. Verse 8 states Abimelech's servants were filled with fear after the kings tells them what happened. I just think word got out concerning the God of Abraham. Check out the passage, I think you'd agree.
  10. Artorius Lacomus

    Sacrificing Isaac

    They might think the pagan kings more religious but I doubt everyone would necessarily have the same opinion. And kings didn't always sacrifice only their children but often people from among the population as well. I would guess the population at large might be glad to hear that the God of...
  11. Artorius Lacomus

    Sacrificing Isaac

    Ᾰ Sacrificing Isaac Abraham's demonstration of faith in his willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac is curious because we know God didn't need a demonstration. God is omniscient, and foreknowing that Abraham would comply with his sacrificial command. Since God already knew Abraham would...
  12. Artorius Lacomus

    We are told to follow Christ but how?

    Just pick one of the many things Christ taught, make a regular type of spiritual exercise of it and enjoy the ride. It should be one of the personal things that you know you need to work on. In my case, I have the bad tendency to think I'm the best worker in the company. I should be less...
  13. Artorius Lacomus

    Temporal Delusions

    Scripture is written of in temporal terms but it's also written in terms of God having physical attributes, finger of God, mighty arm, etc. It also speaks of God as being angry, vengeful and jealous. I think God is above all such things, including notions of time. And maybe "un-Godly" was too...
  14. Artorius Lacomus

    Temporal Delusions

    Ᾰ Temporal Delusions Our God is of Spirit, not subject to infirmities of flesh or age, and simultaneously alive in the infinite past, the eternal future and the ever changing present. And though God speaks to us in Scripture from a temporal perspective this doesn't mean he exists in a...
  15. Artorius Lacomus

    God, the All Present Spirit

    Separation from God was triggered by the fall of man. If you think separation from God is by God's own will, doesn't if follow that the fall of man was somehow ordained by God? Alpha Omega
  16. Artorius Lacomus

    God, the All Present Spirit

    That's interesting...are you saying separation from God is by God's own will? I tend to think God is fully present in and around all us but that our inward ability to "see" God and perceive his presence is limited but always growing at a pace which God sees fit. I think the coming of Christ was...
  17. Artorius Lacomus

    God, the All Present Spirit

    And he placed a portion of that Spirit into our species at the beginning. A piece of God alive inside all men. Our redemption already preinstalled in a way, waiting to be unpacked. Alpha Omega
  18. Artorius Lacomus

    God, the All Present Spirit

    Of course he is. Based on your screen name, how were you wondering that?
  19. Artorius Lacomus

    God, the All Present Spirit

    I agree... A paragraph from something else I wrote earlier This doesn't mean that one who denies God's existence or rejects the salvific work of Christ is saved by good works though. God's indwelling presence can affect a man's actions in positive ways but the rejection of God still bears...
  20. Artorius Lacomus

    Anyone else think this life might be hell?

    That's a pretty negative perspective. The Kingdom of God is already here and moving closer each day to total sovereignty in the hearts of all men. I also find myself being more negative than I think I should be at times and have come to think that negativity is a tool of Satan, who would...