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  1. E

    Father's inappropriate content addiction

    I grew up in a Christian family full of love which I thought was almost perfect, but I found out my father watches inappropriate content every day for years and I'm very concerned about it. A few years ago, I was playing games on my father's phone. Then I saw his google searches about inappropriate content and I was upset on...
  2. E

    Father's inappropriate content addiction

    I grew up in a Christian family full of love which I thought was almost perfect, but I found out my father watches inappropriate content every day for years and I'm very concerned about it. A few years ago, I was playing games on my father's phone. Then I saw his google searches about inappropriate content and I was upset on...
  3. E

    Father's inappropriate content addiction

    I found out my Christian father has a inappropriate content addicton and I feel very concerned about it. I know the right thing is to tell it to my mother, but I'm embarassed to do it because my mother doesn't discuss with me about intimate relations almost none. I activated a filter which blocks these sites on...