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  1. Matthew C.

    In need of prayer to get through withdrawal symptoms while I seek treatment.

    Thank you for your encouraging reply. Play for me as I lead others to Christ Jesus and let him save them. The devil is attacking me all the way through. So pray for my protection
  2. Matthew C.

    Chistians, how do you conclude Jesus is god?

    Awesome isn’t he wonderful.?
  3. Matthew C.

    Chistians, how do you conclude Jesus is god?

    sounds like what you’re telling me is you believe in Jesus am I right?
  4. Matthew C.

    Chistians, how do you conclude Jesus is god?

    I like what you’re saying what else.
  5. Matthew C.

    Chistians, how do you conclude Jesus is god?

    Don’t worry about it have a good day
  6. Matthew C.

    Chistians, how do you conclude Jesus is god?

    You have done something amazing today friend. Jesus says if you never deny me in front of the presence of another man I will never deny you in the presence of my Heavenly Father. God is proud of you.
  7. Matthew C.

    Chistians, how do you conclude Jesus is god?

    Amen me too we are brothers of the same spirit
  8. Matthew C.

    Chistians, how do you conclude Jesus is god?

    Do you believe in Jesus?
  9. Matthew C.

    Chistians, how do you conclude Jesus is god?

    Do you believe in Jesus Christ? Do you believe that it’s possible to lose your salvation?
  10. Matthew C.

    Chistians, how do you conclude Jesus is god?

    How do you think he performed a miracle see if it were not from God? Or his miracles from evil or from God? Do you personally know Jesus Christ?
  11. Matthew C.

    Seeking a personal encounter with God

    Have you ever asked the Lord Jesus Christ To come in to your heart to be your Lord and Savior? “I love those who love me, and those who diligently seek me will find me. Proverbs 8:17 But from there, you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you search for Him with all your heart...
  12. Matthew C.

    In need of prayer to get through withdrawal symptoms while I seek treatment.

    Brother Adderall was no good for me man I was diagnosed with ADHD since I was three. I’ve been on Ritalin since I was about four. If it causes you to Stumble throw throw it away. I had to throw Adderall away even though that was the best medication for ADD for me. But it’s not the best...
  13. Matthew C.

    Beginning My Recovery from a 20 year inappropriate content Addiction

    Confess your righteousness of God in Christ Jesus daily. While you’re looking at inappropriate content while you’re not looking at inappropriate content while you were taking a shower while you were eating breakfast confess your righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. It’s going to stick. Your identity is in Christ. You have to...
  14. Matthew C.

    inappropriate content addiction, feels hopeless

    Do not worry. You have to understand that you still live in the flesh. You are never going to be justified by works. The Bible says it’s justification by faith in Christ. The Bible says if you confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Jesus...
  15. Matthew C.

    Relapse to inappropriate content and more

    Let me tell you it will get better. I have been in the inappropriate content addiction myself. Substance abuse and drug addiction. You’re not gonna feel anything. Sometimes you will. I became a Christian to 14 I didn’t start feeling until I was about 28 or 30. But you are saved. Just because you don’t feel saved...
  16. Matthew C.

    I'm losing faith and I want to die cause I've never been homeschooled properly

    I struggle with math for a long time. I felt stupid and I was insecure. I am not stupid and you are not stupid. I found I have gifts elsewhere like science. Math can be solved with simple concepts. Just start with the basics. Go slow be patient. Math is easy to solve. It’s just numbers. Start...
  17. Matthew C.

    inappropriate content addiction crossing moral grounds.. Needing help before things continue!

    It’s spiritual and physical. The physical part can be overwhelming. It’s the flesh.
  18. Matthew C.

    Is the Holy Spirit our family?

    I hope this helps. The Holy Spirit is the third person of God. He has all the attributes of God. Infinite omniscient omnipresent omnipotent Immortal everlasting. I am one man. I can be a father I can be a son I have a spirit. we are made in the image of God and in his likeness. We possess all...
  19. Matthew C.

    [MOVED] No christian should support BLM because it is anti-christian, marxist and promotes LGBT.

    The reasons I do not support Black Lives Matter. The Bible says God has no favorites. One race is not better than the other. Black Lives Matter is only showing one group as being important. The truth is all lives matter. All lives matter. Black Lives Matter is protesting Derek Chauvin. They...