Search results

  1. Emsmom1

    Advice on nephew dabbling in Satanism

    (I originally posted this on the prayer wall, but someone kindly suggested moving it here to the advice thread) My 21-year-old nephew dropped out of a highly ranked liberal arts college due to depression/substance abuse. He attended a rehab and is now living with his parents. Yesterday he told...
  2. Emsmom1

    Question about exercise

    I recently bought a Peleton bike. I am out of shape so I've been splitting my workouts into two sessions-one 15 min in the am and one 15 min workout in the late afternoon. Is this okay, or will I get better results by doing one 30 min workout? Thanks.
  3. Emsmom1

    Prayers for my nephew (aspiring Satanist)

    My 21-year-old nephew dropped out of a highly ranked liberal arts college due to depression/substance abuse. He attended a rehab and is now living with his parents. Yesterday he told me that not only is he very depressed, he is also "exploring Satanism." My first response (in my head) was how...
  4. Emsmom1

    Rewards in Heaven/levels of Hell?

    I have a friend who is a theologian and we have been talking since I became a Christian last November. He believes that we will receive different rewards in heaven based on the good works we do on earth. He also thinks that it is fine for this (the idea of rewards) to be the motivation for...
  5. Emsmom1

    WaPo article on pastors and mental health

    I’m not sure if I’m posting in the correct thread, but did anyone read the WaPo article on pastors and mental illness? ‘It’s Like I Got Kicked Out of My Family.’ Churches Struggle With Mental Health in the Ranks. Any thoughts?
  6. Emsmom1

    Can the non-elect ever be saved?

    Obviously not in Calvinism. But what about in other theologies, like those which teach single predestination? I think maybe the Lutherans believe in single predestination (correct me if I'm wrong). So, if God only elects for heaven but not for hell (I'm not saying this IS true, I'm saying IF...
  7. Emsmom1

    Addiction: sin or disease?

    Is addiction a sin or a disease? Maybe both? Curious as to what people think about this topic.
  8. Emsmom1

    John 12:39-40

    I am a new believer and just started reading the bible again (I grew up in a Christian home and went to Christian school but have never read the bible of my own volition before now). I've been reading the gospel of John and found this verse: John 12:38-40: 38 that the word of Isaiah the prophet...
  9. Emsmom1

    What would you say to a believer who is struggling with sin?

    There have been some posters in the forum that claim that Christians don't (or don't have to) sin. My question is: what would you say to a believer who is struggling with sin? Whether a new Christian who has a lot to "clean up" in their life or a long-term Christian for whom sin has become a...
  10. Emsmom1

    Once one believes...

    A post from a few days ago asked: Did you have to give up any moral principle or belief when you found Christ? This led to some wondering on my part as a new believer: if one believes/comes to saving faith (I'm not sure if I'm using the correct terminology) do one's beliefs/feelings...
  11. Emsmom1

    Best friend's husband is dying

    The husband of my best friend is dying of cancer. He never smoked, but was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer in March 2018. It has since spread to his spinal cord and liver. He was not raised in any religion and was happily agnostic until recently. My best friend says he has been reading more...
  12. Emsmom1

    Train up a child in the way he should go...

    As a new believer, I am coming to terms with certain things-like the fact that I did not, in fact, train up my child (daughter) in the way she should go. There were some half-hearted attempts at church attendance and we did send her to a Christian school, but neither my husband nor I were...
  13. Emsmom1

    Concerns about church

    I am a new believer. A few weeks ago, I searched for "new Christian class" in my area and found one that was starting the next day. So far, so good. I went and I loved it. I had been dealing with OCD and the sermon was on anxiety and how to find peace in God (I know it wasn't written for me, but...
  14. Emsmom1

    Syracuse students demand ability to choose roommates by race

    Has anyone been following the hate crime situation at Syracuse and the subsequent demand by students that they be allowed to choose roommates based on race? Any thoughts on this? I would post the link but I'm not sure that I am allowed to do so (anyone know the rules on this?). At any rate, if...
  15. Emsmom1

    Questions on sanctification from a new believer

    1. From what I understand, sanctification is a life-long journey, but do different people progress at different rates? 2. Whose "effort?" Ours, God's, or God's + ours? 3. How/when/where does the Holy Spirit come into play? 4. Is there a difference between a bad habit and a sin? Thanks in advance!
  16. Emsmom1

    Daughter’s friend committed suicide

    My 21-year-old daughter found out this weekend that a friend committed suicide. My daughter struggles with anxiety and depression and I am worried she will start spiraling down as a result of hearing this. Please pray for my daughter as well as her friend’s family. Thank you
  17. Emsmom1

    How to tell people you believe?

    As I mentioned in my other thread, I am a new believer. I am wondering how to tell people? The vast majority of my friends are non-believers. I told one of my best friends "I believe in Jesus," but I don't think I did a great job explaining-he seemed both bewildered and a little amused. And my...
  18. Emsmom1

    Struggles with Calvinism

    I'm sure this will open up a can of worms, but here goes. I am a very new believer (it hasn't been a week) so I know very little. But I have been reading about Calvinism for years, out of curiosity and, well, because it terrifies me. I understand (and feel deeply) that God is sovereign. I even...
  19. Emsmom1

    Second Baptism?

    I said the Jesus prayer when I was 9 because I was afraid of going to hell and I figured hey, if I can get out of hell by saying a prayer, I'll do it. I did not actually believe. I followed up with baptism because it was expected. Now I believe and I am wondering if I should get baptized again...