Search results

  1. OffGrid

    Wine to juice, why not water?..

    I get it some people are alcoholics, and yet some are gluttons simotaniously. Should that mean we should disregard that there was wine in 'the cup'? In persuit of favor of men, at what point did the Lord's supper change from a shot of wine (which cannot get you 'drunk' anyway) to some juice? (Is...
  2. OffGrid

    Don't quit yer job reproach

    I have found some summarizations of Thessalonians have stated that according to history in those times that people were 'quitting their jobs' because they had false doctrine telling them Christ had returned. I do find in my studies that there is no requirement of doing something for money, and...
  3. OffGrid

    Dinosaurs, Noah's Ark, Plate tectonics, and more..

    Yes I moved this discussion into the creation science topic, I'm not 100% sure where it Genesis 1:21 "God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarmed after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind; and God saw that it was good."...
  4. OffGrid

    Dinosaur Theory, and Geographical Analyzations *long read*

    Genesis 1:21 "God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarmed after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind; and God saw that it was good." What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs? Does it shock you that a dinosaur and a dragon are...
  5. OffGrid

    And if I said our mother is 'the Jerusalem' above'? And define virgin.

    Galatians 4:26 Why's Mary gotta be so blown up out of proportion what about the free woman who bore no child? Or are you saying that Mary infact bore no child? Some people claim virgin is a mistranslation for young boy/girl. (In which case would make a lot more sense in Old Testament theology...
  6. OffGrid

    Public Worship

    should public worship be held on the sabbath?
  7. OffGrid

    A.I., Elon Musk, StarLink, Neuralink Bible connections

    I was just curious what people thought about these things... Neuralink sounds pretty demonic.
  8. OffGrid

    The forbidden fruit was a psychedelic?

    Why do so many never make the connection between the forbidden fruit and psychedelics? I mean here are some reasonings, and relatabilities: -Parents tell their children don't do drugs usually without giving them a seemingly valid reason not to -when Adam ate the fruit his eyes were opened...
  9. OffGrid

    Life and death of the apostles

    Can I get a summary on the theology behind the apostles including Paul barnabbas titus Timothy Silas apollos and whomever else you might consider and how and when they were claimed to have died? I consider Christ said "I did not say you would not die, but that you would have eternal life." And...
  10. OffGrid

    Starting a non-profit evangelical rock band

    I've got about an albums worth of material to release musically. I've come to a point to where I am looking for a drummer and a bassist who might help record some tracks, and do atleast 70 gigs a year. I am in Texas and would like to collaborate with some people! The songs are Christian songs in...
  11. OffGrid


    when Jesus Christ was on the cross and said "My God My God, why hast thou forsaken me?" It is well known He was quoting the first half of the first verse of psalm 22, and it is also known by doing such a person might as well be quoting the entire psalm. I have found a similar example by psalm...
  12. OffGrid

    Rahab the harlot?

    only being mentioned about 3 times in the bible (Joshua, psalms, and Hebrews) and also in Christs genealogy. Why is Rahab so prominent of a reoccurring character? Is the Catholic Church to be compared to Rahab? Are their maybe 2 Rahabs? What do you know about this figure?
  13. OffGrid

    Musical gifts?

    is the skillful understanding of musical instruments considered a spiritual gift? As instruments were mentioned in 1st Corinthians around where Paul mentions the spiritual gifts.
  14. OffGrid

    What is a false prophet?

    i am just curious. Is it a demonic spirit and not an actual person at all? Or a certain person who worships satan? Is is someone who gives a prophetic utterances that are false, And fake. Are there any prophets left? I've been called a prophet before, yet my parents tell me there are no more...
  15. OffGrid


    ive come to find that revelation should be interpreted in the same manner that the dreams were interpreted in the Old Testament? How do others feel about this? As both are filled with symbologies.
  16. OffGrid

    3 frog spirits?

    does anyone have any insight on the 3 frog spirits in revelation?
  17. OffGrid

    The little book/the little scroll

    so one of my speculations (having studied the bible intensively) is that the little book in revelation that tastes as sweet as honey in the mouth but bitter to the stomach is a reference to the little scroll from the beginning of Ezekiel. Not only have I found this connection, but I have made...
  18. OffGrid

    The Voice In The Desert mission work?

    I heard of the voice in the desert. I had a friend who went off grid completely and travelled with the disciples of this group. Is there a way I can be a part of this movement and travel with them? I love the zeal of this sect.
  19. OffGrid

    Radical Fasting

    Not only did Jesus Christ fast in the wilderness, yet many of the people in the bible practiced it. Do any of you have stories of your own castings to share. Surely I do not mean to read about you being vegetarian, but I'd like to read some encouraging stories of times you've had near death...
  20. OffGrid

    A beautiful God fearing wife.

    I pray that I will receive a beautiful, God fearing wife, who loves me unconditionally, and is gladly "willing" to be homeless with me, and pursue music for God's kingdom with me.. Not to ask out of selfish ambition, but that God might give me a helper for the works I am performing. I've never...