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  1. B

    Salvation and OCD

    I struggle with doubting my salvation because I know I have ocd but I still think I missed something. I got saved when I was 7 years old and I can't remember what I prayed. But I do remember wanting to tell others about Christ after that. I am involved in ministry and I desire to see people...
  2. B

    Doubting salvation again; is it OCD or am I not submitting to Christ?

    Hi. Yes, you have OCD. (Scruplosity). I have it too. I know how you feel. It's torture! I love the Lord but I am always doubting my salvation. It's like someone with OCD that constantly checks the stove to make sure it's off. You and I want to keep checking our salvation just like checking...
  3. B

    Should I worry more about Hell?

    We are saved by grace and every sin is under the blood of Jesus! (even future sins!) If you have been saved then you will go to Heaven! Romans 8:1 I agree with Oscarr! Amen!
  4. B

    new member (OCD)

    Hello, I am a wife and mother. I love the Lord and live for him. I love the ministry. However, I struggle with OCD. I am hoping to find support from others who have this problem as well. Mine is scrupulosity.