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  1. V

    My husband, Mike, has stage 3 pancreatic cancer plese pray

    Tomorrow the treatment begins by a pet scan identifying all the cancer spots and which need to be operated on. Stage three is a blessing if we caught in time. We ask for only one thing asked in prayer, The Lord's Will be done as He would have it. Christians live in a no lose situation whether we...
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    Happy thanksgiving.

    Hope you all had a blessed and happy thanksgiving. ‘God bless
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    What’s the world going to be like under anti-christ?

    When I was young I remember those who preached on it would claim that it was going to be hell on earth. Then I got older and read Scripture on my own and I discovered that hell didn’t break loose until after people are saying peace when there is no peace. I thought that was an odd thing, peace...
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    meet the reps

    21 Tell me, you who want to be under the law, are you not aware of what the law says? 22 For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by the slave woman and the other by the free woman. 23 His son by the slave woman was born according to the flesh, but his son by the free woman was born as...
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    brrr are you chilly

    duplicate, sorry
  6. V

    could be just me do you find irony

    We are running out of Christian Bookstores so I don't know how long I will be able to observe this as it sweeps through what is offered and sold from the bookstore. I don't think it means anything important but I am stunned with the amount of self-help books are directed at Christians. What do...
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    Walking the walk

    One of my favorite studies is the Temple that was in use while our Lord was here. The temple stood on Mount Zion so your approach to it was an ascent. This was to make the worshipper about God’s Holiness. But the real interesting part of this approach were the stone steps the worshipper ascended...
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    the work of God and OSAS are they exclusive of each other

    28 Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?29 Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.” John 6 How do we understand these verses. Isn't this the thing taught through the jailer when asking what he must do to be saved and he was told...
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    would you have followed this man

    He was the head of the government He decided to have an affair He got the woman pregnant He used his office to cover up his crime Part of that crime was killing his best friend the husband of the woman he had the affair with He did not repent and kept the woman for life. The fruit of that...
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    Mark 8 : 22-26 why the two step

    Hi, the Lord Jesus did a miracle in two stages should we ask why? I think so because I believe there was a spiritual lesson for us. After the first treatment the man said he saw trees walking around like men. Then after the second time he saw men not trees as men. Ever wonder why? I think it...
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    when do the events spoken of here take place? thanks!

    17 And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be brought low; and Jehovah alone shall be exalted in that day. 18 And the idols shall utterly pass away. 19 And men shall go into the caves of the rocks, and into the holes of the earth, from before the...
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    To Tell the Truth

    Going to give my age away but here goes. There was a show once entitled to Tell the Truth. There people would step forward and say my name is so and so. Then they could say why they were famous "I grew a 1,467 pound pumpkin the biggest ever" The panel would then ask questions trying to figure...
  13. V

    remember " I can't believe I ate...

    the whole thing" commercial? Very cute the guys expression as he had to do take after take and with each new take anew meatball and on and on the commercial kept coming and he never got up to leave. As I read the account out of the Exodus I noticed it was 400 year Israel stayed in Egypt and...
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    Why did Daniel write that?

    why would Daniel write in the 4th chapter of his book that the Lord raises up the worst of men to rule, that other men would learn the error of following other men. So two questions, 1) does God still do this raising up the worst of men? 2) does this only apply to the other guys candidates or...
  15. V

    as they say in New Orleans Who Dat?

    Who is the being that is revealed in this passage? Lots of stuff to talk about looking forward to finding out Who Dat? "11 Moreover the word of Jehovah came unto me, saying, 12 Son of man, take up a lamentation over the king of Tyre, and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: Thou...
  16. V

    the Body of Christ

    When the Lord was Resurrected an interesting took place The Lord ascended into heaven not all of Him went yet and this maybe one of the reasons why. He is our Head and we are His Body spiritually speaking. Have you ever considered that we, believers, are the visible Body of Christ. Paul speaks...
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    tip of the hat and thanks

    THANK YOU FOR ALL WHO PRAYED DURING MY HOSPITAl stay. somehow caps got locked, sorry. I am doing much better with treatments going to be developed over the next month. Someone once told me that like a human body the Lord's Body leaps to defend parts of the body hurt, sick and so on. Thanks to...
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    The Day of the Lord. The Time of Jacob’s Trouble or the Great tribulation

    we know thre is the Lord’s Day and I don’t believe it is the same day designated The Day of the Lord. I was thinking what might constitute the Day of the Lord. I know there are those who do not believe Daniel’s 70th Week of Years to have not been fulfilled. Sir Robert Anderson did a study using...
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    Heresey or not

    i began a thread asking why the Lord might have chosen Judas. My original premise has to from the viewpoint of those who believe Judas as I do forms a trinity of evil made up of Satan the father, Satan the son and Satan the unholy spirit. I thought what is Judas was anti-christ and how the Lord...
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    Two catches of fish one difference

    there are two catches in Scripture where the apostle are seen catching fish. In one catch before the cross we are told only that they had a good catch. But then after the cross we are shown them fishing again and when the catch is brought in we are told there were 153 fish. I believe very...