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    Christianity that Works

    You want Christianity that not just works but explodes? You need to REALLY pray. Please invest a few hours to watch this, it can really change your life.
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    911 in the HOLY BIBLE

    911 was prophesied by EGW and interpreted just a short time before it happened.
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    Deeply troubled, please help.

    Do not wait to feel that you are made whole, but say, “I believe it; it is so, not because I feel it, but because God has promised.” SC 51.2 I warmly recommend you to read that chapter or whole book. Steps to Christ
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    Every struggle needs to be won, but not in our power. Contrary to what most people think, out battle is not with sin. The good fight of faith is to get to know our Lord and build unbreakable relationship with Him. And always go back to Him when you get discouraged right away.
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    Will people go to Hell for worshipping on Sunday?

    Prejudices will take us nowhere my brother :)
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    Will people go to Hell for worshipping on Sunday?

    Sunday is mark of the beast, first version of "green" Sunday Law is already written in 2015: Laudato si' (24 May 2015) | Francis Here's how it is going to be implemented: News about it:End Times News Update 2019 Bible Prophecy News
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    My heart is so hardened

    I got prompted to send you this The Sabbath Day Bible Truth
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    My heart is so hardened

    Then let us praise God! Thanks for encouragement! One important thing to note, there are also sins of "not doing", I think these got me into state of despair. We should pray for ability to hear and power to always obey that small voice...
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    My heart is so hardened

    I am in a similar boat, I was born again in January this year, then did many sins, was struggling with temptations and after one argument in March, my heart was hardened like a stone. I couldn't cry anymore, couldn't pray or read Bible since I felt condemned when I tried. But in the last 3 weeks...