Search results

  1. Andrewn

    Gregorian Liturgy

    Coptic churches use an Anaphora attributed to St. Gregory Nazianzen on significant feast days. The prayers are addressed to Jesus, the Son of God, and include expressions absent from other liturgies. For example, it addresses Christ as "The equal, the co-enthroned, and the co-creator partner...
  2. Andrewn

    Do Our Beliefs Matter?

    I recently posted a survey with the question, “What items of faith do Christians regard as essential to salvation?” What are the conditions for salvation? Eighteen members participated in the thread. Not all participated in the survey. Agreement with several statements was as follows: 10 with...
  3. Andrewn

    Is Jesus God?

    The incommunicable attributes of God are: Aseity (Independence) Infinity Immutability (unchangeability) Simplicity Does Jesus Christ possess these attributes? And in what sense is he true God from true God as per the Nicene Creed?
  4. Andrewn

    What are the conditions for salvation?

    I listed ten items of faith that Christians may regard as essential to salvation. It will be nice to know everyone's opinion. If I missed a necessary condition of salvation, please list it in your comments.
  5. Andrewn


    The concept of the pleroma / fulness dwelling in the Lord Jesus Christ is an essential proof of his deity: Col 1:19 For in him all the pleroma of God was pleased to dwell, Col 2:9 For in him the whole pleroma of deity dwells bodily, But we read that it also dwells in believers: Eph 1:22...
  6. Andrewn

    What does this icon represent?

    This video by Fr John Behr, dean of St. Vladimir Seminary, best explains the Holy Trinity. But my question is about something other than the Trinity. It is about the icon. Who does it represent?
  7. Andrewn

    Did Jesus deity leave his humanity on the cross?

    I know the correct theological answer is no. But is there biblical evidence? And what if Christ's deity left his humanity when he said, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me? How would this affect the redemption of humankind?
  8. Andrewn

    Should free Bibles be given to non-Christians?

    I posted this in a "Christians Only" forum because the idea is not to incite Bible bashing. We, Christians, love the Bible and frequently give Bibles to non-Christians. The Gideons have done this for decades. Is this the right approach? Or are non-Christians likely to misunderstand and reject...
  9. Andrewn

    Marriage collapse, absent fathers 'unraveling' Christianity in growing US crisis: study

    A new report by Pew Research Center and the General Social Survey published Tuesday found a surge of adults leaving Christianity to become atheist, agnostic or "nothing in particular." It predicted that if the number of Christians under 30 abandoning their faith accelerates beyond the current...
  10. Andrewn

    A-Mil Only The rest of the dead did not live until the 1000 years came to an end?

    Rev 20:5 The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended. This is the first resurrection. Amillennialists believe the 1st resurrection is spiritual, associated w/ belief in Christ and baptism. This implies that the "rest of the dead" will have a spiritual...
  11. Andrewn

    Can you suggest programs similar to Alpha?

    Can you suggest programs similar to Alpha but shorter and more focused on God's love?
  12. Andrewn


    "Worship leader Ryan Delling got to capture the special moment and posted to social media. According to Ryan, he had been to Jerusalem’s upper room many times. But always experienced a more revenant atmosphere during his visits. He said, “I have been to the upper room in Jerusalem many times...
  13. Andrewn

    Gog and Magog in Revelation and Ezekiel

    Gog is a mountain tribe north of Assyria, and Magog is an area in eastern Turkey. In the book of Revelation, we read: Rev 20:7 When the thousand years are ended, Satan will be released from his prison 8 and will come out to deceive the nations at the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, in...
  14. Andrewn

    Premillennialism, types

    This is not a thread about Dispensational Premillennialism. It is to discuss other types of Premillennialism advocated by SDA's, JW's, and LDS's. One does not have to believe their theology to be knowledgeable of their Premillennial positions or even to advocate for these positions.
  15. Andrewn

    How do people repent? NDE's?

    According to Bishop Hilarion Alfeyev's "Orthodox Catechism": "Immediately after the common resurrection, will be the Last Judgment at which the final decision is taken as to who is worthy of the Kingdom of heaven and who should be sentenced to the torments of Hell. Before this event, however...
  16. Andrewn

    Electing 'election deniers' will lead to 'authoritarianism.'

    Bill Maher says democracy will 'lose' in midterms: Electing 'election deniers' will lead to 'authoritarianism' Bill Maher warns 'everything in America is about to change' after the GOP retakes Congress "This really is the crossing the Rubicon moment when the election deniers are elected, which...
  17. Andrewn

    Are The Gates of Hell Locked From The Inside?

    C.S. Lewis famously declared that "the gates of hell are locked from the inside" in his wonderful book "The Great Divorce." In your opinion: Is this view Biblical? Is this view logical?
  18. Andrewn

    Ukrainian fighting tactics endanger civilians

    An Amnesty International report released on 4 August accused Ukraine of violating international humanitarian law and conventions related to the protection of civilians in times of war. Noting that Ukrainian forces “have put civilians in harm’s way by establishing bases and operating weapons...
  19. Andrewn

    Chrismation/Confirmation and the Holy Spirit

    Chrismation/Confirmtion is a Church sacrament in which prayers are offered for the Holy Spirit to strengthen a baptized individual for their faith journey. Eastern rite churches, including EO, OO, EC, and ACE practice this immediately after baptism of the infant. Western rite churches...
  20. Andrewn

    Christ the Conqueror of Hell

    Recently, I finished reading Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev’s book “Christ the Conqueror of Hell.” This fascinating study focuses on Christ’s descent into Hades and quotes abundantly from Orthodox writers and liturgical texts. My question is not about whether all, most, or some people in Hades...