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  1. R

    Do Christians need to belong to a church?

    Yeah your know i got banned from this site once because I spoke out about the hypocrisy in Chrisitianity. If you want to be technical I am a Christian I believe in Christ I was saved and baptised its jut the who orginized religion I cant stomach...its the believe of a good number of...
  2. R

    Do Christians need to belong to a church?

    I am not a Christian...I am saved baptised and a believer in Christ but as far as a Christian no sorry. I hate to break it to you but the church has done more damage to the faithful. You got pastors and preachers molesting children or cheating on there wives. I remeber Jimmy Swagart going on...
  3. R

    The Truth About Abortion

    You know I was gonna let it you know how foolish that in all its forms is a blessing. Tell me is the person with dememtia who does not know who what or where he or she is..who scream in fear from nurses taking care of them or the slow painful prosses of there body shutting...
  4. R

    The Truth About Abortion

    Okay well someone delete this topic please sorry i made it...I was upset and I went on a rant. We could argue abortion or a dozen other topics for eternity..I am done with talking about abortion. Me personally I believe the victim of rape or someone who has medical problems should have that...
  5. R

    The Truth About Abortion

    Well my believe are just that mine. Abortion is not a scripture issue the bible does not consider a unborn child a human. The who Christian argument is a moral belief not a scripture belief and I do not believe anyone should have the right to force there moral or religious beliefs onto another.
  6. R

    The Truth About Abortion

    NO IT IS NOT SCRIPTURE!! The closest the bible gets to abortions is if you cause a woman to miscarry you have pay her a fine...if it was muder..the person would be put to death that scripture law...the bible does not consider the unborn child a human being..sorry
  7. R

    The Truth About Abortion

    Quality of life does not trump existence of life. I spent 25 years of my life working with adults with physical and developmental disabilities. They are extraordinary people; every one of whom deserved the life s/he lived. Let me know when you have a rational case for elective killing of fetal...
  8. R

    The Truth About Abortion

    You know I was mad when i made this point...mainly cause I have heard christians rant about mom had one..she didnt want to but she had cancer and the chemo aside she could have carried to term..the child would died and she might have died and she still had several children under...
  9. R

    The Truth About Abortion

    And again according to the bible its not, read your old testament the closest they got to the abortion issue was if you cause a woman to miscary you had to pay a fine..if killed a human you were put to in gods eyes its disagree with me but the bible does not consider an...
  10. R

    The Truth About Abortion

    I will deal with facts here, look at a fetus at 12 weeks you can google it, tell me thats not a human being..if you can say thats not a human being there your either dillusional or a professional liar. Many of the practices in the abortion industry are an abomination. Now I am going to tell...
  11. R

    Can an anti-Christ ever become Christian?

    An Anti-Christ...well there is only one I believe and if he is a human being then yes any Human can accept Christ...will he..doubtful. But do not think it is something to worry about atm. Here are some of the signs of the Anti-Christ He Claims to be God and is Worshiped - we have dozens of...
  12. R

    Do Christians need to belong to a church?

    Well when your disabled and have trouble getting along thats easier said than done. There are some people who simply can not get to a church. For many reasons...disabled and bed There are alot of reasons. You get saved and your saved...should you go to church if you can find a...
  13. R

    Do Christians need to belong to a church?

    Okay you are entitled to your oppinion, I do not go to church I have found most churchs to have bit bigotry in them. Some of my best friends are gay sorry you look my friend in the face and say he is godless heathen and is going to burn in hell...I will punch you in the face...(said thing...
  14. R

    Why do Christians support Donald Trump?

    Yeah the one issue justifys putting a sexual predator, theif, liar, adulture, and around worthless individual into off. 40 years of lying cheating stealing over 20 times accused of rape and sexual harrasment. That is your name reason lol. Do you know what my mom had an abortion not because she...
  15. R

    Do Christians need to belong to a church?

    You do not need to go to church or be part of one, Jesus said whenever two or three of you come together in my name, I am there with you.
  16. R


    In your oppinion...I respect it.
  17. R


    lol yeah its why I never can seem to find a church I can stomach, obnoxious judgemental people tick me off and sadly I find the majority of people like than in a church way to offten
  18. R


    My stance on God and Jesus are its not how you worship it is how you live your life. I think alot of people you think are gonna get in heaven are not and people you would not think will. That is my belief I know plenty will disagre but there is nothing you can save to change my mind. This...
  19. R

    Lets Be Real

    The earth is not flat and it is not the center of the universe, earthquakes are caused by tetonic plates in the earth moving...the movment can also cause volcanoes to the water it can cause tsunamis. Diseases are caused by germs, non of this stuff is caused by god. I mean no...