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  1. B

    I've Blashphemed the Holy Spirit. What now?

    So I know this is probably not a shocking title and that it's probably common to see a post like this. However, I've been struggling for some years over my possible loss of salvation. You may have seen my posts in the past. I'll link them below for those who would be interested. They may give a...
  2. B

    Heart Heardened by Sin

    I've made posts in the past regarding this issue but I'm still wrestling with it. Many years ago I became involved in habitual sexual sin. I hated it and saw the Lord warning me to leave it but felt powerless to stop it or escape the cycle. One night after work, as though a light switch was...
  3. B

    Is Hell worse for Some?

    Is hell worse for some? If so, is it based upon the number of sins committed or the type of sin committed? For example, if someone committed adultery all their lives vs someone who committed adultery once. Would one's punishment be worse then?
  4. B

    What to do when you are beyond repentance?

    So I made a post a few weeks ago looking for wisdom about whether I had become like Esau or whether I am under discipline/spiritual warfare. If you care to read the post, here it is: Spiritual Warefare, Discipline or Non Believer? I have come to determine with a great level of certainty that...
  5. B

    Spiritual Warefare, Discipline or Non Believer?

    Hello all, I made a post a few days ago a bit out of my head. I was super panicked and wasn't thinking super straight. I'm not entirely sure how clear it was so I hope to write this as a clarification. It is entitled "Has my Spiritual Sin Killed Me?" I'm still struggling over a question and I'm...
  6. B

    Has my sin killed me spiritually? Loss of salvation

    My question ultimately concerns falling away from Christ due to repeated sin issues. I'm curious if Matthew 13:7, Romans 8:13 and James 1:15 connect and describe what has happened to me in my loss of relationship, unrenewal of mind and hardened heart. My questions while reading the following...