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  1. P

    Why does it always take more for me?

    Why does it seem like it always take more for me than others? I am about to be 40 years old and I feel like I am existing and not living. It seems as though I always hear or see others getting blessed, even some people younger than me. I have even seen some people get blessed over and over while...
  2. P

    What should I do?

    I am a 38 year old female and I feel like I am not living life. I feel as though I am existing and not really living a whole life. I feel like my life has been full of deaths, disappointments, delays, denials, and deceit. I dont see any signs of good promises manifesting for me. I have seen...
  3. P

    I have a question and need insight on something...

    Hello all. So I have a question. Is it okay for someone to be in a relationship with a guy who often talks about how beautiful other women are? So, he may say that he saw a woman somewhere and comment on how nice she looked. Also, he told me that he was watching a movie with this actress who he...
  4. P

    Can someone help me with this?

    Are blessings only for certain people? It seems like I always hear about others or friends being blessed in all areas of their lives: going on nice vacations,getting married, career wise, etc. I am a 36 year old female and even know of people younger than me that get married and have families ...
  5. P

    Am I wrong for thinking this about the virus and work?

    Okay, we all know the virus has "caused" a lot of people to be laid off or sent home from work. While of course, it is all a catastrophe, but I have heard people complaining about all the distractions they have at home and not being able to work in peace (like family members being home, kids...
  6. P

    Is there something wrong with me?

    I know I have posted on here about this a few times previously, but everyday I engage in self-retrospection, as I think we all do. Okay, I am always labeled "quiet" by others, a label which I constantly struggle to accept by others or allow others to define me. I feel as though people use it to...
  7. P

    What do you all think?

    Just want to know you all's thoughts on this... I have a supervisor who curses at times when conversating with other employees. They do not curse at the employees but just curses when chatting with them. The supervisor also discusses with other employees how they all like to drink beverages...
  8. P

    What are you all's thoughts on this?

    Hello all again! I know I keep posting about my issue with others always labeling me as "quiet" but I just want input on if you all think I handled a recent situation appropriately. Okay, yesterday was me and my mother's birthday (yaay!) and at work there were two women telling me I need to...
  9. P

    Hello all again..

    Hello all again...I know a posted a post similar to the one I posted a few months ago, but I just want to share about a recent similar experience..Ok, as I stated in my previous post, I have always had issues with people comparing me to others and telling me, "You are too quiet." Well, the...
  10. P

    Hello all! I am new here..looking for advice..

    I have always had issues with people comparing me to others and telling me, "You are so quiet," "You don't talk", and so on and so on..Sometimes, this gets to me because I think people may think I am arrogant, and that is not the case because I have been told that I am a nice person. I value few...