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  1. evita

    Prayer for reconciliation

    Hi, all. Please pray for myself and my friend Rudi to reconcile after many awful arguments that have almost destroyed us both. I have apologized to him for my share in all the ugliness. He means the world to me and I am begging the Lord for another opportunity to make up for my mistakes...
  2. evita

    Prayer for several dire matters, please.

    Hi, everybody. I would be so thankful if you could pray seriously and intensely for the following: - My sister may or may not have cancer. I have not spoken to her in months after an awful fall-out (forgiveness has been offered and accepted), but she's pretty much cut me out of her life. I...
  3. evita

    Please pray for my depression, a better connection with God

    Hi, all. I am currently battling severe anxiety and depression. I am on medication, but it's not helping. I am always restless and I can't sleep at night. I have severe mental illness. People around me are aware of it and the best possible help under the circumstances is being arranged, but...
  4. evita

    [MOVED] Severe depression / relationship let-down

    Hi, all I'm battling severe, life-threatening depression. I am on medication, but it's mainly because I'm laden with worry, guilt, fear, and angst that nothing seems to be helping. I'm praying a lot. I'm mentally ill and in no position to seek proper professional help. I got romantically...
  5. evita

    Prayer for fundraiser to be approved and to flourish

    Hi, everyone. I pray that what I'm doing is not selfish and in fact, possibly even irrelevant in the face of the international crisis that we should all be principally united in at this time, but my cause is very close to my heart and will remain so until I am no longer alive. Care of the...
  6. evita

    Prayer for a special friend

    Hi, all. I'd please like to request prayer that my friend Rudi will contact me soon. He has lost access to a mobile 'phone and is apparently struggling to get a new one. I am worried about him, because we talk every day and currently he is away on sick leave, so I have no way of reaching him...
  7. evita

    Depression, joblessness, substance dependence

    Hi, all. Please pray for me for the following: I am a depression sufferer, and I started on a new pill only a week ago. It can take up to 4 weeks to kick in, and meantime it's tough. I have little motivation, trouble sleeping, just feeling down. I've been jobless for over a year, and though...
  8. evita

    Prayer for employment

    Hi, all. Please pray intensely, seriously, and a lot for me to find a good job. I was recently the victim of a job scam, after everything seemed so above-board. I keep sending out applications, but nothing is happening. I live by myself, am dead broke, and I can't keep mooching off of my...
  9. evita

    General Prayer

    Please pray for my and my sister's relationship to improve. We love each other, but she's a very strict, no-nonsense type, and as our parents passed away in 2017, I am still sad and devastated and I often need her comfort, but she's just not the type to be all lovey-dovey and dole out hugs or...
  10. evita

    Financial Crisis

    Hi, all. Please pray for me for a financial blessing. I have almost nothing left due to blatantly stupid decisions. I'm trying my hardest to find a job, but nothing is working out. I'm a depression sufferer and I also have seasonal depression because it's Winter here and I can't stand it...
  11. evita

    Biblical advice on dealing with guilt

    Hi, all. I am struggling with so much guilt, especially since for the past eight years. I sit in Church most Sundays, but I feel like such a hypocrite. I've resorted to bearing grudges, attempting to avenge those who did me wrong in some way, been terribly rude to people for no reason...
  12. evita


    Hi, everybody. I apologize in advance for the length of this post, but I need intense and urgent prayer SO much. I am a born-again Christian who attends a local Methodist Church filled with wonderful people I've been out of a job for months now. My last job seemed to be going well, but then...
  13. evita

    Prayer for depression, a career & a friend

    Hi, all. Please pray for my depression to lift/improve, maybe even go away completely. I'm thankfully back on medication and a lot better in comparison to how I was a week ago, but I still have a way to go, and as it's Winter here (South-Africa) the weather tends to get me down. Secondly...
  14. evita

    General prayer request

    Hi, all. Please pray for my depression to be treated properly. I am seeing my doctor tomorrow; please pray he has the insight and knowledge to help me. My life is falling apart. I can't keep a job, I can't manage my money, I'm so depressed I barely want to get out of bed. I struggle with...
  15. evita

    General prayer request

    I recently moved to a new apartment, and quite a lot of changes have taken place. I'm thankful for bigger, more private place to live, but I still don't have a job, and there are people in my life who can be brusque and even upsetting. I still have no job and though my mental health is better...
  16. evita

    Praise: I got a job!

    God is so good! I got a new job starting in April, and my friend Jaco has been around again. I saw an excellent doctor who was able to help me with my mental troubles. I am SO thankful! Thank you for everybody's prayers! God bless you all.
  17. evita

    Urgent prayer: Very upset

    Hi, all. I am very upset right now. I was chewed out my one of my landlords for something that wasn't even my fault. I've been living here for two years, my rent's always been paid, and I don't intentionally cause trouble. I thought this guy was nice, but he just really bummed me out for no...
  18. evita

    Prayer: Depression, anxiety, insomnia/relationship

    Hi, all. Please continue to pray for me RE all I list in my subject line. Medication is not an option right now given my monetary difficulties. Please pray for my special friend J to be around soon; I haven't seen him around and I miss him terribly. I am very depressed and gloomy, can't eat...
  19. evita

    Prayer about job loss/relationship/insomnia

    Hi, all. I lost my job due to an unfortunate misunderstanding with my boss. Please pray for me to find another job as I continue to put myself out there. Please pray for J to be favourable toward me again. I feel like he's avoiding me and it hurts. Please pray for my insomnia. My meds...
  20. evita

    Prayers for insomnia relief/relationship

    Please pray for me for my severe insomnia. I have trouble going to sleep, all the time. Then I perhaps get 4 hours tops, interrupted and insufficient. Please also pray for my special friend Jaco to come home soon and for our relationship to continue to grow positively. Blessings.