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  1. sea5763

    Thank you for the prayers

  2. sea5763


  3. sea5763

    lust demon

  4. sea5763

    Luke 21 and global warming?

  5. sea5763

    healing for my friend's nephew

  6. sea5763

    Moms diabetes and fatty liver

    hey I was hoping you guys could pray for my mom. She has type 2 diabetes and fatty liver. The doctors are telling her that if she loses 30 pounds that she won’t have diabetes anymore but if she stays the same weight or gains weight then she will also develop high blood pressure on top of...
  7. sea5763

    Dream with voice talking about my mom

    i had a dream very recently where I think God spoke to me again but I didn’t really hear what I wanted to hear. The dream was winding down when near the end I started to hear a voice talking to me. I instantly became suspicious of the voice, so I said forcefully, in the name of Jesus Christ...
  8. sea5763

    worship of the beast and theistic satanism

    In Revelation 13:15 it talks about how whoever doesn't worship the beast will be killed. I used to wonder if perhaps the beast would be disguised by a religion that perhaps hadn't even come into creation yet. However, over the past couple of years I've begun to wonder if it will be really...
  9. sea5763

    Why are so many American Christians consulting psychics and the dead?

    I just learned the other day that according to Pew Research Center, so many American Christians have consulted psychics (14%), been in touch with the dead (29%), and believe in astrology (23%), reincarnation(22%), yoga as a spiritual practice (21%). Is it because they don't know that they...
  10. sea5763

    Marriage and no kids

    how many christian men want to marry and not have kids? I understand that most people that marry want to have kids. I don’t want to pass on my genes and don’t think I’d be able to adopt because I have mental illness. I’ve spent almost my whole twenties just trying to pull my life back together...
  11. sea5763

    Did I do the wrong thing?

    a very long time ago in the beginning of middle school me and my sister were being bullied a lot by four other girls. After a year of that we went to the counselor and school and told them about what was happening and that we just wanted it to stop. After that all four of them were suspended and...
  12. sea5763

    how to grow

    I feel lonely and unloved sometimes even though I already have parents and siblings that I spend time with and say they love me. I cycle through anxiety and depression because I'm afraid i'll go to hell when I die, because I feel there is just no way to really know for sure whether God will let...
  13. sea5763

    Are the seven spirits of God the Holy Spirit?

    I was reading through Isaiah a little while ago, and noticed a passage that I'm pretty sure was a prophecy about Jesus Christ. In Isaiah it says that a shoot from the stump of Jesse, which I'm pretty sure is a reference to Jesus, will bear fruit and that the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon...
  14. sea5763

    I'm going to die alone, probably

    I'm already 27 years old. I've only been in one relationship, which lasted a couple of months. I feel so ugly, but maybe I just look average? I'm sure I'm probably pretty ugly because almost no one ever asks me out. I'm very far behind my peers. I'm still going to college and living with my...
  15. sea5763


    Hey. I just made this account. I'm not sure why I'm here, but here I am. I noticed that when I wanted to post in the ask a chaplain section that I don't have sufficient privileges to post? Do I need to make more posts or something?