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  1. M

    What helps the most getting through your depressive times?

    I have found that worship music, scripture, prayer, and cultivating a grateful attitude helps on my down days. I pray for Jesus to bring to mind all that I have to be thankful for.... the smallest of things.... like a washing machine to do laundry, also a working car that gets me to and from...
  2. M

    I'm dealing with unwanted thoughts about blasphemy

    I am reminded after reading your post that we do not fight against flesh and blood, but our battle against the powers of darkness. Sometimes that battle is in our minds. Eph 6:13 and following are great verse to mediate on when your thoughts go dark and evil. Also I am reminded of the verse in...
  3. M

    Prayers for my grandmother.

    Praying for you and your family! Praying for healing for your grandmother and for the family dynamics to become better. Keep on advocating for your grandmother with her diet. Hugs and prayers to you.