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  1. P

    A new marriage struggling

    Respect is earned. No-one receives respect by demanding it. As long as your husband behaves in an immature, disrespectful manner, you will never be able to respect him, even if you want to. That would be impossible. Hopefully over time he will become more mature and more respectful, because if...
  2. P

    Is Jesus' birthday on December 25?

    There is no person from 2,000 years ago whose birth date is known today. However, the birthdate of the Savior of humanity is a major event that should be celebrated, so the Church He founded, the Catholic Church, selected December 25 to be the day upon which it would celebrate that event.
  3. P

    Are tattoos false idols?

    An idol is something or someone other than God, that is worshipped. I know some people with tattoos, but I don't know anyone who worships them.
  4. P

    The Rapture of the Church is after the Tribulation

    Neither the "rapture" nor the "tribulation" are beliefs of original and true Christianity. Jesus Christ never heard of them. His Apostles never heard of them, which is why there is no reference to either of them in the Bible. No Christian on Earth ever heard of either of these ideas until...
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    Does Satan have Supreme authority over demons?

    No-one has supreme authority but God alone. Satan is a mere creature, and as such dos not have "supreme" anything.
  6. P

    A woman's faith

    You are completely correct in saying that we are all God's Children. You are also completely right in saying that both men and women can provide valuable counseling. I myself have received excellent counseling from spiritually mature men and women. However, neither of these realities changes the...
  7. P

    is it wrong to assume someone went to hell?

    So this person committed some sins. Do you know anyone who has never sinned? Have you ever committed any sins? God alone is the judge, and therefore it is wrong for one sinner to judge another.
  8. P

    Wife stealing, advice.

    It's stealing if it is your money, and not hers. But if you co-own the money, if the account belongs to both of you, then each of you has equal access to it. Of course it is best to have some mutual understanding about your account and how you will use it. But either of you withdrawing some...
  9. P


    Scripture supporting Purgatory? Sure, no problem. Jesus Christ founded one Church , said it was to remain one, and promised that one Church "The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth", and "Whatsoever you bind upon Earth is bound in Heaven", and "He who hears you hears Me". That one Church...
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    Jesus Christ founded one Church, said it was to remain one, and promised that one Church "The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth", and "Whatsoever you bind upon Earth is bound in Heaven", and "He who hears you hears Me". That one Church teaches as binding truth that Purgatory is a...
  11. P

    Do Christians Consider it a Lack of Faith to Put Trust into Doctors?

    It is simply common sense to place our trust in those who are expert in a particular field, whether it is a doctor, an auto mechanic, a teacher, a priest, an electrician, or any other expert.
  12. P

    Can Fasting Be Done Only on Food

    The term "fasting" usually refers to food, however it is certainly equally valid to give up other things as a means of spiritual sacrifice. Learning how to say "no" to ourselves enables and strengthens us to say no when we are tempted to sin.
  13. P

    Why does God always deny the blessings you most want?

    No decent parent gives their children everything they ask for. Johnny may say "I really, really want this", but mom and dad may realize that what Johnny wants is not in his best interest. God is the perfect Father, and wants us to have only what is truly best for us.
  14. P

    I have this question.

    Then how about taking steps to learn that which you are ignorant of, so that you will be able to make rational decisions based on the truth? Ignorance is not a valid excuse, if you remain ignorant by choice.
  15. P

    Hanging out?

    You can "hang out" with him in situations that are morally neutral, like watching a football game on TV, or attending a concert, or going out to dinner. Obviously you are not going to go to a strip club or an X-rated movie with him. If we are not willing to associate with those who are ignorant...
  16. P

    Bad conscience when praying for the conversion of atheists

    When someone's "personal convictions" are based on ignorance of the truth, it is a service to them to introduce them to the truth. This is true in any area of human knowledge, but especially in matters that may determine their eternal salvation.
  17. P

    If theistic evolution, how can God save a raven?

    There is no "evolutionist side" because there is no conflict, and therefore no "sides". Jesus Christ founded one Church, said it was to remain one, and promised that one Church "The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth", and "Whatsoever you bind upon Earth is bound in Heaven", and "He who...
  18. P

    question on alcohol and sin etc

    Drinking alcohol is not sinful, any more than eating food is sinful. Gluttony, the abuse of eating food, is sinful and self-destructive, and likewise drunkenness, the abuse of drinking alcohol, is sinful and self-destructive. Jesus Christ not only drank alcohol (as did everyone of that time and...
  19. P

    Who is in charge here?

    Anyone who reads the Bible knows that Jesus Christ founded one Church, said it was to remain one, and promised that one Church "The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth", and "Whatsoever you bind upon Earth is bound in Heaven", and "He who hears you hears Me". He clearly revealed His will...
  20. P

    6 States enact Laws protecting Drivers who run over Anti-Abortion Protesters with their cars.

    And no doubt they have very precise definitions concerning which people standing in a street carrying a sign are "protestors". Like people who are carrying a sign stating "Happy Birthday" or "Congratulations on your graduation"? Or "Smoking causes cancer"? If these people are not "protestors"...