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  1. J

    God with us, matter, as time

    Whose 'theology' it was... I cannot remember, but I see, somehow in the back of my head, this man, philosopher, I cannot even properly remember what he actually was, sociologist, psychologist, physicist, ablate, whatever, but I think he was a Christian... I see in the back of my head vaguely the...
  2. J

    Whether on the 15th or 23rd its just Easter

    Wave Sheaf - Ritenbaugh answered by JTV Let us hope someome may respond... Within "on the fourteenth day of the month until on the one and twentieth day of the month" remains the Passover of Yahweh; 'without' "on the fourteenth day of the month until on the one and twentieth day of the month"...
  3. J

    'Bone-Day' abuse

    Ancient Hebrew Emagazine: Q: What time of day did the Israelites leave Egypt? My translation says they left in the “selfsame day,” but what does this mean? A: By: Isaac Mozeson Perhaps the most difficult passage in the entire Passover story of Scripture occurs in Exodus 12:17. Here, the...
  4. J

    The Tau Cultism of the Empty Cross

    Here is the crux of all Sunday contentions... Look at BABerean2's picture of the cross. See that it portrays an empty cross with the sun about to set. Well, THAT IS IT, the most satanic deception this world has in its existence witnessed and has swallowed whole for the Gospel of Jesus Christ...
  5. J

    Lacking and Bounteous Scripture

    2Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness... Lacking Scripture for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction LIKE WHAT? Bounteous Scripture for doctrine, for reproof...
  6. J

    Eve created from Adam's vertebra

    Eve created from Adam’s Vertebra Three divine trinary concepts From the Ribs-Bone of Adam to “Three Days”-in-one-“Bone-Day” to John 19:35, (Psalm 34:20) Ὀστοῦν οὐ συντριβήσεται αὐτοῦ. A bone of him shall not be broken. Genesis 2:21,22 “He (God, on the Sixth Day before the Sabbath) took one...
  7. J

    Could accredited Greek scholars answer?

    There is the (double) problem with this, the Masculine Genitive Article for the Feminine Genitive Noun used as a Participle. (περὶ τοῦ) Ἁγιωσύνης ἐξ ἀναστάσεως νεκρῶν I am but too aware of both aspects. Is it possible despite Grammar, to regard and use a Feminine as if it were a Masculine? Is...