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  1. S

    Lutheranism and predestination

    Hey there. As I understand it Lutherans believe in single predestination, that is, they believe that God has chosen people to be saved but hasn't chosen who's damned. They also believe that Jesus died for the sins of everyone, not just some people. How is it possible for those who are not...
  2. S

    Lutheranism and predestination

    Hey there. As I understand it Lutherans believe in single predestination, that is, they believe that God has chosen people to be saved but hasn't chosen who's damned. They also believe that Jesus died for the sins of everyone, not just some people. How is it possible for those who are not...
  3. S

    Lutheranism and free will

    I am a Lutheran, but I have been very confused lately about Lutheran predestination. Lutherans believe that some people are predestined by God, and some aren't. Those who aren't do not necessarily go to hell. How are those that aren't predestined saved if they aren't predestined? They'd have to...