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  1. Luce

    If I sin and ask for forgiveness can I still end up in hell?

    I am a sinner. I always ask for forgiveness at the end of the day but can I still end up in hell?
  2. Luce

    Dreaming of Heaven

  3. Luce

    Dreaming of Heaven

    I always have dreams of flying to heaven, but never can't get in. The last two dreams, I was trapped with my daughter in a house with a demon. I was able to get her out and started flying to heaven but couldn't get in. The second dream I was fighting with a demon and he had by my legs, but I was...
  4. Luce

    How do y'all deal with Lust?

    I been single for 4 years. I never thought about sex till recently. I have to admit that lately I been watching videos and I told myself I would stop. I hate myself and feel disgusted for my actions. I have a hard time resisting the devil. I haven't been to church because I been busy with...
  5. Luce

    Need a prayers

    I need deliverance from the spirit of lust. I been single for 5 years and haven't been with anyone and sometimes is hard. I feel sick to my stomach because I been doing terrible things. :cry::cry:I do want to get marry one day but I'm trying to finish nursing school first. I need prayers so I...
  6. Luce

    Is God asking me to pray for this person?

    Last week I visited my hometown and some old friends. I grew up in a bad city drugs and gangs and I'm thankful God got me out. I had a great time visiting some friends and we started talking about some people we knew. Some people never change and still in that hood mentally and it makes me sad...
  7. Luce

    Why do I struggle to believe in God?

    I been a christian for 3 years now. Sometimes I have a hard time believing in God and I get depressed. I feel like I'm going thru so much I don't know what to do. Some days I get really anxious and start crying. The other day I was so sad because I wish I would've know God from the beginning...
  8. Luce

    Why do I feel like this?

    Lately I been feeling sad and depressed. I feel like that there is always something wrong with me and I'm just 29 years old. I been having chest pain when I exercise and I made an appointment with a doctor for next week. I'm always worried about my health I guess because I work in the hospital...
  9. Luce

    I feel sad

    I'm a single mother and attending college . Lately I haven't been going to church because of work and school and I feel God is so far away. I'm thankful that I pass this semester but I just feel sad. I do wish to get into nursing school soon but I feel like I'm taking forever.
  10. Luce

    Is it okay for a christian to drink wine?

    Thank you so much everyone for taking time to respond. I decided stop drinking wine because I found out I'm allergic. I would get cold symptoms every time and I went to the doctor and I was told that I was allergic to wine. When the doctor told me that I was like glory to God! ☺ No more alcohol...
  11. Luce

    Do I need to tithe every time I get pay?

    This new year I decided that I want to tithe but I was wondering do I need to tithe every time I get pay or can I tithe once a month?
  12. Luce

    The precense of God

    I had always wish to feel the presence of God but I never felt it. Today I decided to start fresh in my life putting God first and while we were in prayer in church I started feeling weak on my legs and arms. I was grabbing myself to a chair because I thought I was going to fall back. Was that...
  13. Luce

    Are we God soldiers?

    I apologize if I post so many questions. Since I was little I had so many dreams of me fighting the evil one. I was never successful in the past on fighting until I knew about God and got baptized. Now everytime they hear my voice they cuss me out and run but I had a lady pray for me because I...
  14. Luce

    Is it okay for a christian to drink wine?

    I like to drink wine once in a while but I was wondering if it's bad? I don't get drunk but once in a blue moon I like to have wine in the evening.
  15. Luce

    Dream Interpretation

    Last night I had a dream that I was walking down the street at night and I saw a lady across the street dressed in black. I automatically assume she was a witch so I started shouting in the name of Jesus I rebuke you. I didn't stop shouting until I saw that she had stay behind but I remember she...
  16. Luce

    Is it bad for a child to believe in Santa Claus?

    My 7 year old believes in Santa Claus and I was wondering is bad for kids to believe in Santa Claus. I always remind her that the gifts are blessings from God. I thought about telling her the truth but I don't want to break her heart.
  17. Luce

    Can generational curses be broken?

    I had always felt my life been cursed. My parents got separated when I was little because my dad was cheating. I grew up with my mom and she worked most of the time. We use to go to church but not very often. When I was a teenager I did alot of things that I regret and went thru lots of trouble...
  18. Luce

    God's Voice

    Today during prayer at church I herd a voice said your beautiful. I had turn my head around to see where that came from and saw a men speaking in tongues. Could that be from God? I took as if it was for me. ☺
  19. Luce

    Help Praying in Tongues

    Thank you! I will check it out.