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  1. T

    What about Baptism?

    That's right, and all of this was planned before the foundation of the world.  How are you these days Cougan?
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    What about Baptism?

      Here's a question to Ben and Scott,  What do you know and understand about the Holy Spirit of God?
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    What about Baptism?

    Does the bible say anywhere that men will be saved just like the thief? I have no doubt that he was saved, but is  the way he was saved a model for all men? Or is the great commission in Matt.28:18-20, Mark 16:15-20, Acts 2:36-41 the way Jesus commanded men to come to him?
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    What about Baptism?

    Let's go to the bare bones of faith, do you believe that God can save us through his Son Jesus Christ? Now if his Son Jesus Christ tells us by his Spirit to be baptized for the remission of sins, to be saved do you believe that? In Acts 8:26-39 is a classic story of the Ethiopian eunuch...
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    What about Baptism?

    Ben, Did God ever use water to get rid of sins?
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    What about Baptism?

    Ben, I think I know why you fail to see or understand what the bible clearly saids on the subject of baptism. 2Cor. 4:4 It's called blindness, you have been fighting this so long that your mind cannot connect with plane english. We don't have go around and around about the same thing. You...
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    What about Baptism?

    It's funny you used the word "immersed" do you care to tell us what the full meaning is? My 1996 addition of Webster's NEW WORLD DICTIONARY AND THESURUS: Define it as 1 to plunge into or as if a liquid 2 to baptize by submerging in water 3 to absorb deeply; engross. Thesurus:  v...
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    The Baptism thing...

    People take baptism lightly, as if Jesus spoke idle words when He gave the great commission. And Peter when the Jews asked "Men and bretheren what shall we do" in Act 2:37-38 were these idle words or did he speak by the Holy Spirit when he gave this answer? If he spoke by the Holy Spirit, the...
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    What about Baptism?

    Ben,  We can go around and around with this, but let's be real and true to God's word.  Answer these: Is there anywhere in the new testament that says: One must Hear God's word? One must believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God?  One must repent of all past...
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    What about Baptism?

    Ben, I notice that your favorite scripture is Acts 10:44-48, and I remember you saying that one must have more than one scripture to prove that a certain idea is true, with that said, We know that the out pouring of the Holy Spirit happened two times in Acts, once when the Spirit was poured out...
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    What about Baptism?

      Ben, if salvation is by belief only then no need's to repent of sins, because by your own admission one is saved at the point of belief, is this what you really believe? And if so, then repentence, confession of the name of Jesus Christ and baptism are all unnecessary for salvation...
  12. T

    What about Baptism?

    The blood is in the water by faith, John 19:34, 1John 5:6-9 read these and they will help you understand better.
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    What about Baptism?

      It's in Luke 7:29-30 I made mention of this and you keep ignoring It. Why?  Look at the word "NOT" in this text.  Ben are you saying that you can reject the counsel of God and still be saved? The "NOT" in Mark 16:16b is the same as Luke 7:30, so when Jesus said "he that...
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    What about Baptism?

    For one to have his/her sins washed away we were told in Acts 22:16 "And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord." When we are in the belief stage, we still are in sins, but once we through faith are baptized in water for the...
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    What about Baptism?

      Cougan has show you this already and I have to, the bible says belief plus baptism= salvation.  Look at Luke 7:30
  16. T

    What about Baptism?

    Belief and baptism go's hand and hand, one is no good without the other.  That's why Mark 16:16 says He that believeth And is baptized shall be saved.  Notice Jesus connected the two with the word AND.  So belief plus baptism equals salvation. Salvation comes after one complete...
  17. T

    What about Baptism?

    In your first point you finally answered the Mark 16:16b question.  But you still are not making the total connection, "That they refused the baptism is consistent with them "not-believing" ".  Then you made this statement "The refusal of the baptism alone is not why they were not...