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  1. F

    Would God forgive my sins?

    i have been in a state of constant suffering these days. I tried really hard to fight against evil forces and i believe i have lost now. I was almost possessed by true evil and it hurt me for its own amusement. i have been in an unholy relationship with a sinful man who does not believe in God...
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    Does God forgive all Sins?

    How can we know if our sins are forgiven? If God forgives our sins every time we ask for forgiveness then can we just keep committing sins and ask for forgiveness cant we? that's not very moral. how does this even work? Would God really forgive the most horrible sins committed by humans in the...
  3. F

    Why did God create this Earth?

    Or humankind? It was certainly not free will because we had none before being banished from Heaven. Is our existence the result of a mistake? Is everything that we live for a mistake? Are we His creation or His children?
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    What do u believe Hell to be like?

    Someone told me something rather interesting. Hell is not just..burning fire filled with sinful people. It is also cold, very cold. Fire is not just the only tortuous element. Anyways, i believe Hell to be a delusion, a mind game of sorts. Hell is insanity. Literally... It is just an opinion...
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    what should a Christian do if someone mocks Jesus and hates God?

    how should a Christian react?
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    What can you do if you experience Spirit Posession?

    How do u know its not a bad spirit? and if it is bad, how do u make it go away? What if prayer only helps temporary? it is capable of hurting physically. would anyone HELP me please?
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    Getting Sick when commiting a sin?

    like, having hatred in your heart for someone or.. extreme anger.. I only noticed this now.. that whenever i feel hate, i get sick. badly. i also get sick if i lie, have sinful thoughts about men, or get vain about my looks. but not as much as when i hate others.. i am very sinful already so...
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    Is It allowed for a Christian to fast on a feast day?

    kind of confusing me a lot. like.. a feast day occurs on a fast day? what are you supposed to do then?
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    Is it alright for a Christian to donate to a non Christian?

    it would help that non Christian, but shouldn't there be a moral standard..? to donate to a Christian rather than a non Christian..? (btw, this creates an us vs them mentality.. which is.. dangerous) but that causes a problem too because a lot of believers are Christian in name only and no...
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    I am afraid to Pray.

    Alright, this might sound downright crazy but its better here than nowhere..right. I used to be ultra religious as a child then i forgot God and became sinful. then you can say i had an awakening. Now, I believe He is real, so all this time, all after these few years, i tried to pray. after...
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    Is it allowed in Christianity for a women to marry a man who sells his body?

    for a living.. considering he is a good person who just has a..different job.. Plus, i want to know is it allowed to marry an Atheist? i have looked for these question but my mind is..muddled.
  12. F

    What makes Man different from God?

    We can hear and see. God can hear and see. With limits of coarse. There aren't many similarities i can think of only differences. God seems to be a perfect being but humans can never be.. In what way are we like him THEN! God is the Most Mysterious, The Most Unreachable.. Is the idea to be...
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    Are we Children Of God or simply His Creation?

    Satan is the Lord of this world, the serpent tempted Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge, and Humanity became aware of everything. We became like God, no? Shouldn't He be our Father then? Or The Heavenly Father who is so mysterious and hard to reach that His creation thinks He is probably...
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    Is It Wrong Of Me To Live This Way?

    I have changed a lot in these past few months. And the people around me seem to think it is just a phase.. Simply put, I do not have a care of the things of this world anymore. Material things are of no value to me unlike the past. Some people think i have become depressed maybe. But that is...
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    My Father Won't Read The Holy Bible

    My father as a person is very open minded and does not mind giving new ideologies a chance. Yet.. He said he wont read The Holy Bible. My Christian friend advised me to not preach hate about his religion but to teach about God's love. i tried, this now is the first time i requested him to give...
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    Lucifer's Message For Me

    I had this dream. I was in a really beautiful room with some people who I felt were my friends even though I have no familiarity with these people in real life. I don't even know their name or have ever seen them. One of them was a nun sitting in a chair just like me. And two other were men who...
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    What is your favourite Christian Band?

    I'm new to this genre..
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    God Has Forsaken Me

    Hello, i am a new member and i am interested in Christianity. The relationship Christians have with the Holy Father is so personal. I am from a religion which does not have such a beautiful relationship with the Lord.. I wish to know more about Christ, The Father and the Holy Spirit. However, I...