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  1. J

    Breaking News! First Gay Muslim Wedding Happens in The UK

    Happy that they're going to Hell if they don't repent? Don't get me wrong...I don't hate homosexuals. At one point I was all for it...but should we be happy for sinners if it means that they're choosing sin over God just for temporary pleasure?
  2. J

    Breaking News! First Gay Muslim Wedding Happens in The UK

    That's surprising since from what I know of the Muslim faith, they have much more intolerance for it than Christians do. In fact, that would be seen as a total blasphemy against their family. Course...they feel the same way when one of their family members converts to Christianity. That being...
  3. J

    New member- Is visiting other churches a sin if you are already a member or leader in a church?

    You should definitely leave your Spanish church! That church is NOT preaching the word of Jesus. They are using Scripture to keep you in that church for their own gains. Jesus said that the ONLY way to the Father is through Him. If any church claims that you are not serving Jesus by going to...
  4. J

    Holidays are Satanic?!

    My family is not really religious. We basically celebrate christmas because of tradition and because its one of the few times a year we actually see each other.
  5. J

    I can't find Jesus.

    I'm praying and sometimes crying for Jesus to answer me, or show me or guide me in some way so I can follow Him but I don't get anything from Him. I've given up movies, TV, video games and other meaningless pleasures of the world for Him, however to be honest I still dream or think about them...
  6. J


    Actually you should seek and pray to Jesus since He is the only one who saves us. I feel the same way as you do too. I am praying that Jesus will answer me and help me turn from all my sins.
  7. J

    A wasp got me good today!

    It looks like the rashes I get when my eczema flares up. I know ice and solarcane (I'm not sure if I spelled it right) is good to use on wasps or bee stings.
  8. J

    Jesus is not religion.

    Yes because He was brought up Jewish. But Jesus wasn't baptized with the Holy Spirit until He was 30. After that, He would go to synagogues to preach the Word.
  9. J

    Jesus is not religion.

    I see where you are coming from. But how do you fellowship with other believers?
  10. J

    I'm at a loss for words

    I feel the same way as you. ...But the only way to eternal life is through Jesus. Pray to Jesus and if you are serious, tell Him that you will give your life for Him. And mean it. Ask for Him to reveal Himself to you and if you are serious, He will. Don't stop praying. That's what I'm doing...
  11. J

    Futurist Only Why can't I stop worrying?

    If you really believed that the rapture was going happen in September, and that you would be beamed up to Heaven, then you wouldn't even be thinking about college, or anything of this world, only about following Jesus. Honestly...I don't listen to people's predictions about the Rapture because...
  12. J

    Jesus is not religion.

    Well in Luke 4:8 Jesus said that we should worship and serve God only. Jesus is the Messiah and Our Savior, and we are told that we need to follow Him to have eternal life. Therefore, either Jesus contradicted Himself...or He is God.
  13. J

    Jesus is not religion.

    Actually He went to the synagogues to preach the Word of God, of the New Covenant and His sacrifice to come. It wasn't just to worship God, it was to let people know that He was the Messiah.
  14. J

    Jesus is not religion.

    Please tell me where is your church? (Or tell me at least in what state?) And are there others like it?
  15. J

    Jesus is not religion.

    Jesus is the Son of God. He even declared He IS God and what He said is His Word. Since that's the case, then what is with all these denominations? What's more why is according to many religious people that you are only saved depending on the denomination you are in? Jesus did not say to...
  16. J

    Do All People Love God? fact there are plenty who say they hate God.
  17. J

    The Last Reformation

    ...But the disciples were given the power to heal through Jesus. No, it was not man but it was through Jesus, through their faith of Him, that they able to heal and cast out demons. So who says God can't work through people to heal others today?
  18. J

    The Last Reformation

    Honestly The Last Reformation seems to be doing God's work more than most Christians. I notice that Christians says to go to church...but what they going for? Just because that's what man decided to do to worship God? The church preaches to people who are already believers. Jesus said to make...