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  1. E

    99% Similarity Between Humans and Chimps? Not!

    Since 2003, false claims by evolutionary biologists started cropping up in the popular media stating that the human genome and chimp genome are 99% identical, thus proving evolution. This falsely implied that a COMPLETE genome of both was compared. This is a false claim on so many levels: 1)...
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    Evidence for a Young Earth (Not Billions of Years Old)

    1) Genesis tells us God created all animals (dinos included) and humans in the same week. God created an already mature creation with adult humans, mature fruit-bearing trees, and starlight already reaching earth to be appreciated by Adam even though the stars are located billions of light-years...
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    Why Are Genocides Associated with Atheists and Evolutionists? Coincidence?

    Here is a partial list of Evolutionists and/or Atheist dictators behind some of the most brutal regimes in the past few centuries - in their own words: - Vladimir Lenin (1870 - 1924): Atheist and Evolutionist who renounced his belief in God after the death of his father and beloved brother; he...
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    Is the Earth flat or round???

    Isaiah 40: It is he [God] who sits above the circle of the earth.” The Hebrew word for circle is "Khug" which means either a 3-dimensional circle (sphere) or 2-dimensional circle (disk). In various NON-English Bibles, the word appears as sphaera, globus, globo, and orbis.
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    All of Your Abortion Questions Answered on ProLife Site

    Abortion: 101+ Answers link: Here are some sample questions answered: Basic Q&A Is an unborn child a person? Does an unborn child have a soul, and if so, when? Is a preborn child 'less' than a human being? Why should a pre-born child be given equal...