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  1. Y

    A way to pray

    This is a way to pray that offered me actual answers and help: Pray in your own words, just pray, then after some time, stop praying and stay in silence, don't move your body, close your eyes if you want, do nothing, just let the silence take over you, don't engage with your thoughts, think...
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    A man clothed in light

    Yesterday morning I was in my bed, not doing very well, contemplating the meaning of life.. I must say that in these last days I prayed a lot, I prayed for myself, for my family and for the entire world..... Suddenly, I found myself in another room ( not in my house, but somewhere else, I don't...
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    The man born blind

    One of the thing that got my attention is the story of the man born blind that was healed by Christ. John 9:1-3 "And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus...
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    The Creator spoke with me

    Last night I had an out of body experience, I found myself outside my physical body, in spirit, flying around my house, yes, flying.I had many similar experiences so this was not something new for me, anyway, I decided to seek the Creator.This is not the first time I search for the Creator while...
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    Vision of a man on the cross and the devil.

    The sky was completely dark, I saw a man hanging on a cross in front of a huge gate of stone, this whole place was somewhere on the top of a hill, the whole place was stony.This man was badly beaten, his body had wounds and blood everywhere, his hair was over his face, he was just too tired, he...
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    Blessed be His Holy Name!

    I felt a powerful desire to praise God and to share with all of you so that you may feel what I feel: Blessed be His Holy Name, my God, my Savior, my Lord!! My soul cries of joy singing songs of praise to my God! He is good to His people, He is kind to his children! Praise God, day and night...
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    Paul was so bold.

    I was reading the Acts of the apostles, and suddenly, I was moved by Paul's boldness, check this verse: Acts 23:3 Then said Paul unto him, God shall smite you, you whitewashed wall: for do you sit to judge me after the law, and command me to be smitten contrary to the law? This made me to...
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    Demonic attacks - please pray for me.

    In the last three days I've been under heavely demonic attacks.. Last night I woke up at 3:33 after a horrible demonic attack, it was horrible... Please pry for me, last time when I asked you for prayers, my father throw me out of the house for standing up for my mother, it's ok, I will take the...
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    Teachings of Christ

    Hello there! We all know that there are some things that are hard to understand when it comes to the Word of God, I've spent a lot of time thinking about these things, few days ago I had this thought that the Bible holds many "hidden" teachings, these teachings are in plain sight but they are...
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    Jesus is the only way

    For the past few days I've been thinking at what the new age people say about Jesus not being the only way to God, but one of the ways, then, it struck me, I totally understood why Jesus is the only way. John 14:6 Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the...
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    I saw Jesus Christ on the cross in my dream

    If someone can help me with this, last night, I had the strangest dream I ever had in my entire life, so here we go: I woke up in this big room, floating slowly towards the ceiling, I could see everything from a 3d perspective, I could see from my body and from outside my body at the same time...
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    Spiritual warfare

    Almost every single night I have nightmares, last night, I died several times in my dreams and every single time I died, I found myself in a car accident, I was in a bus and the driver was driving the bus like a mad man, it's not easy to experience dying again and again.. This is just one of the...
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    DC Comics mocks the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

    Witness the return of Jesus Christ, as He is sent on a most holy mission by God to learn what it takes to be the true messiah of mankind by becoming roommates with the world’s favorite savior: the all-powerful superhero Sun-Man, the Last Son of Krispex!" the plot summary reads. "But when Christ...
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    Need More Courrage

    So, I am member of a forum that is not based on christianity but has a christian sub-forum, there I face a lot of opposition from many people, imagine, I am on a christian sub-forum but they talk about the new age stuff and promote all kinds of lies about God.I do this because I know that there...
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    In need of prayers

    First of all, I want to thank every single one of you who decides help me.In your prayers, can you bring my name too? This is my real name, "Catalin", please just say my name in your prayers, God already knows my situation. I can do the same for you if you want! Thank you!! A prayer worths...
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    Akiane Kramarik

    Probably you all know about Akiane Kramarik, the girl who drew Jesus from her visions.Do you know that she does not believe in the bible? Do you know that she has the same beliefs that we find in the new age movement? That we are all ONE. I was so surprised when I found out... because when she...
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    Miraculous survive and encouter with the evil one

    This is my testimony about a miraculous survive and an encouter with the evil one, it happened years ago, when I was younger, but now I feel the need to talk about it. It was almost night, I was returning back from school to my home.In that night, I thought that if I take the train, I will be...
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    Have faith, says the Lord!

    As the title says, for all of you who suffer, "Have faith, says the Lord!" Sometimes I feel the need to express some words I feel deep down.
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    God's presence.

    Hello there, I've written a testimony about how God took care of me, save me and gave me another chance, even more, the evil one was laughing at me, you can find it at the link below, it's the pure truth. s...
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    Trusting God

    Hello there! I came on this community to share a story of mine with God, I've already created a thread for it as I introduce myself through God's plan, everything comes from God, everything happens as God wants and His only desire is to offer us eternal life, what a gift.... Well, now that I am...