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  1. ShaulHaTarsi


    His music is beautiful. Granted a knowledge of Portuguese (I can get by with knowledge of Español) would be required. He's real big in Brazil Any like him in English (or even Spanish.. for that matter). Does anyone know of him?
  2. ShaulHaTarsi

    Am I (becoming) Calvinist?

    Over the past few weeks I've been reading lots of things by what would be called the "New Calvinists". The doctrine of free grace received, delivered, and made effectual by the sovereignty of God alone is a very strong and uncompromising message and has really allowed me to formally approach God...
  3. ShaulHaTarsi

    Am I Catholic? Evangelical? Both? Identity Crisis

    After attending my local Catholic Parish for over a year (and getting married in it), I went to a local Evangelical church, and I was very impressed with it. I've been leaning towards Evangelicalism recently and it certainly does contain elements very appealing to me. I do feel there is truth...
  4. ShaulHaTarsi

    Gal 2 - Do Jews still need the Law?

    In understanding the Council of Jerusalem, most apologetics concerning its conclusion indicate that because Christians are not gentiles, they need not follow the Mosaic Law. What about Jewish Christians? Are they still under the obligation of the Law? Are Jewish Christians even considered...
  5. ShaulHaTarsi

    Resources in Rabbinic Hebrew and Aramaic

    I'm wondering if there are any Christian resources out there in non-Modern Hebrew and Aramaic. Most Christian texts in "hebrew" are in fact modern Hebrew which may appeal to those in secularized Israeli culture, but not to those from religious cultures who are familiar with texts like the...
  6. ShaulHaTarsi

    Dates of the arrest and Crucifixion of Jesus

    I was observing a debate in another thread as to the exact day Jesus was crucified - it's not something I had given much thought to. It seems that according to Mark, Luke, and Matthew, the last supper was the paschal feast, and that Jesus was arrested later that night (sometime before morning)...
  7. ShaulHaTarsi

    Smudging, Culture, Superstition, and Pagan Practice

    Whenever I hear the term "negative energy", "spiritual cleansing" and similar, I picture some older person disenchanted with Christianity turning to new age spiritual practices to find fulfillment. Those aspects however are part of many cultures. It may be foreign to many in the west, but is...
  8. ShaulHaTarsi

    Catholic vs. Christian Identity

    Hi folks! Growing up in an environment where Christianity itself was alien, I see myself as a "Christian of Catholic Tradition". This does not seem to be the case for cradle catholics (or I suppose even cradle Christians) I know of however. Our priest often addresses us as "Christians"; e.g...
  9. ShaulHaTarsi


    Hi folks! I've often bumped into this forum while researching various topics and simply decided I'd finally join. I grew up observantly Jewish and my acceptance of Jesus Christ was gradual and reluctant. It's quite a big shift from a legalistic and matter-of-factly existence to one borne out of...