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  1. Clint Edwards

    Why Do Certain Right-Wingers Keep Saying Falsely the Left Wants War?

    You are aware, are you not, that an agreement to negotiate a final agreement, isn´t a final agreement, aren´t you ? Historically have broken down in negotiation quite often. They also have succeeded as well. We are at the stage of agreeing to negotiate and good will gestures, a long way to go to...
  2. Clint Edwards

    Why Do Certain Right-Wingers Keep Saying Falsely the Left Wants War?

    For the last 50 years they have hated the American process of making law, abandoning the legislation process, based upon the will of the people, for the legal process, based upon the will of activist courts. They are now in a hysterical frenzy because seeing the age of non legislated law ending...
  3. Clint Edwards

    Why Do Certain Right-Wingers Keep Saying Falsely the Left Wants War?

    LOL, I see that the left has oodles of middle ground, as long as you totally agree with them.
  4. Clint Edwards

    Earthly Sanctuary Proves Pre-Sinai Existence of God's Law

    Yes, note that I said ¨ till just before Sinai ΅regarding the sabbath. I noted there were laws verbal and written, but the sabbath wasn´t among them. The written law was given at Sinai, the sabbath was given on the way to Sinai, when the nation of Israel existed, and at Sinai God tells why it...
  5. Clint Edwards

    Why do the American's on this forum keep bringing up Putin's statements like they are truthful?

    Putin, his style and policies are anathema to everything America is and represents.
  6. Clint Edwards

    Earthly Sanctuary Proves Pre-Sinai Existence of God's Law

    I agree totally. If he meant a ceremonial sabbath, he would have said so, and maybe have named it/them.
  7. Clint Edwards

    Earthly Sanctuary Proves Pre-Sinai Existence of God's Law

    Could you please cite scripture establishing that anyone kept the sabbath till just before the law was given ? Ditto for circumcision please ? Thanks !! Since by eating the fruit came the knowledge of good and evil , and since the law is one way to know good and evil, the law, including the...
  8. Clint Edwards

    Earthly Sanctuary Proves Pre-Sinai Existence of God's Law

    He isn´t talking about the weekly sabbath only if you assume, based upon what you believe, he isn´t. Most know to read what they read for what it says without a preconceived set of musts that changes itś meaning. Sadly, my dear SDA friends do this all the time. The law of God isn´t the law of...
  9. Clint Edwards

    Earthly Sanctuary Proves Pre-Sinai Existence of God's Law

    The law of Moses is Gods law and vice versa. The Torah, the entire law given by God for Israel was written down by Moses, this complete law INCLUDED the ten commandments. The scrolls were used for study, not the rocks, and the the entire first covenant law, including the ten commandments was one...
  10. Clint Edwards

    Why do the American's on this forum keep bringing up Putin's statements like they are truthful?

    There are those who support Trump as a politician, and recognize he as a ton of warts. There are those who worship him as a god, believe he is infallible, want him to be more like the little KGB thug putin, and actually admire putin. You crossed paths with one of these trumpbots. They have a lot...
  11. Clint Edwards

    Why do the American's on this forum keep bringing up Putin's statements like they are truthful?

    Trump is like the two faced God janus. On the one hand he can say the most stupid inane things imaginable. On the other hand his Administration has accomplished some very good things that I strongly support. Trump cannot seem to understand that there are actually two investigations in the "...
  12. Clint Edwards

    Earthly Sanctuary Proves Pre-Sinai Existence of God's Law

    Yes, we can certainly agree to disagree ! You quoted a great verse. The TRUE Gospel is the most important thing in the world, Peace
  13. Clint Edwards

    Preferred translations

    NKJV, New English, paraphrases like The Message can be very useful when used with a translation. I have 8 different translations, and compare each on difficult passages. Start a collection ! s
  14. Clint Edwards

    Earthly Sanctuary Proves Pre-Sinai Existence of God's Law

    I screwed up the response somehow, you will have to find nos of it in the quotation. BTW I never said EGW was an ordained pastor, I said she received a pastors salary. Check it out. She never had a "job" how do you think she lived ? welfare, charity ?
  15. Clint Edwards

    Earthly Sanctuary Proves Pre-Sinai Existence of God's Law

    Yes, another sect within Advetism, like the reformed SDA's, the Shepherds rod, the branch dividians, the harvest churches etc. etc. etc., You are all trying trying out Adventist the other Adventists. To prove yourselves oh so special, the elect of the elect. I will get you some historical...
  16. Clint Edwards

    Earthly Sanctuary Proves Pre-Sinai Existence of God's Law

    Once again, you are not able to prove your statements from the Bible. The Bible says the sabbath was not given to the Jews till 430 years after Abraham, as a sign of the Covenant between THEY and God. The rule of assumption again. Go through the OT and see the complaining about the Cannanite...
  17. Clint Edwards

    Are dream catchers an idol?

    I would think that disrespecting an object that has religious meaning to someone else would be wrong. Exposing someone to an object they believe has mystical powers, perhaps evil power, would be wrong. Cultural appropriation has been around since the dawn of multiple cultures. I don´t have an...
  18. Clint Edwards

    Are dream catchers an idol?

    Ditto, you don´t get it either. Be careful in the forest, the tree god might get you.
  19. Clint Edwards

    Are dream catchers an idol?

    Nope. They are objects. They haven´t been filled with bad ju ju by some pagan priest. I find some unpleasant, so I wouldn´t want them around, but they don´t have a boogeyman in them. I once had an ancient Egyptian small statue of a lion, a religious symbol to them, a pretty representation of a...