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  1. C

    To atheists: a museum analogy regarding Creationism

    A friend of mine brought this up: saying that the universe and all the life on the Earth arose from randomness without a designer is like saying that when you go into an art museum and see all the paintings, you say "Oh, I don't think people made all these beautiful prices of artwork, I think...
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    RIP Chester Bennington

    I've been a fan of Linkin Park since 2005, and I heard the news a few hours ago. I feel heartbroken—not only has LP been one of my favorite bands since my childhood, but I hoped to see them in person one day. But even if I do, it won't quite be the same as it could have been. I'm listening to...
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    Do we lose our memories in heaven?

    Here's the thing: hell is an awful place. I have things I could say on it but I won't (yet) for the purposes of this thread. If we have any sort of conscience at all, we'd feel terrible for those suffering in hell. But it's said that in heaven there will be no more tears, and we'll only be...
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    Why was Eve not given a name until after the Fall?

    Something I noticed was that Adam was named right away, but Eve was just called "the woman". From however long it was between Eve's creation to the Fall (assuming you take Genesis as literal), Eve was just called "the woman". Why? Is it yet another example of the Bible seeming to see men as...
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    Inspirobot quotes

    So apparently this thing has existed since at least December 2015 (I found a YouTube video dated back to that), but I only just heard about it today through Tumblr. It's an AI that produces random "inspirational quotes" it constructs, ranging from meaningful to creepy to straight up gibberish...
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    If you discovered God didn't exist, would you still want to be moral?

    I'm curious, because I remember seeing some say that if they found out there was no God, then they'd have no reason to have morals and they'd just go around destroying things and killing people because morals would no longer matter. So I wanted to see what people's own views were on that...
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    If the soul forms at conception, then how do twins, triplets, etc. factor in?

    It's said that we gain a soul the moment an egg is fertilized. Fair enough. But I just had a thought: twins, triplets, etc. arise when the developing egg splits into several different ones. So if the soul forms at conception, does it suddenly split up into two or three souls as the twins or...
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    Those who became atheist were "never Christian"?

    Why do some people say that if someone was Christian and then became atheist or agnostic, they weren't ever really a Christian or ever really saved to begin with? I find it insulting and hurtful to those who earnestly sought Jesus and did not find, especially those who were minsters or...
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    Why is there a hell?

    If God doesn't remember our sins, why is there hell? Heck, why is there hell to begin with?
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    Why do some Christians act so hostile toward questions?

    It seems like often when doubters/agnostics/atheists present questions or problems to Christians, some get hostile. They say that they're trying to spread deceit, that they aren't true Christians, that doubting is dangerous, that they'll go to hell, etc. Why do many seem so afraid to question...
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    Transhumanism is defined as "the belief or theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology". What are your guys' thoughts on this? Personally I think that if done right and so it's widespread for everyone...
  12. C

    If near-death experiences show heaven, why do they change depending on culture?

    If NDEs represent what heaven is like, I would expect all occurrences to show Jesus, the Father, Mary, angels, etc. But sometimes, for instance, Hindus don't see any of them, they see the Hindu gods: Near-Death Experiences and Hinduism
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    Those who become atheist "were never true Christians"?

    Why do some people say that if someone was Christian and then became atheist or agnostic, they weren't ever really a Christian or ever really saved? I find it insulting and hurtful to those who earnestly sought Jesus and did not find, especially those who were minsters or otherwise devout...
  14. C

    How can we know if God is speaking vs. our own minds?

    (I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, feel free to move as needed.) How are we able to tell what God is trying to say to us in answer to a prayer, or even whether he is saying anything at all? How can we discern between what God says and what our own minds are telling us...
  15. C

    The Mandela Effect - Anyone else experience it?

    I just learned about it today—basically it's an effect where a large group of people remember something that didn't actually happen. For instance: I remember KitKat having a dash. I remember Berenstain Bears spelled Berenstein Bears Oscar Mayer was Oscar Meyer. The Mandela effect is cool...
  16. C

    If God asked you to kill someone from another group, would you?

    (Feel free to move this if it should be in Ethics and Morality instead.) Now before you say "God would never do that!" keep in mind that in the Old Testament, there were several times where God commanded entire cities to be destroyed and killed, including the infants. And disobedient children...
  17. C

    What verses show that Jesus is the Messiah?

    (If this is in the wrong section, feel free to move it.) I've been looking into a few of the commonly-cited Bible verses that show Jesus is the Messiah and finding some things that don't fit, plus Jews apparently don't believe that Jesus is the Messiah. So what are the verses that show it, as...
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    The Euthyphro dilemma

    For those who don't know what this dilemma is, it was proposed by Plato in his dialogue Euthyphro in which Socrates asks Euthyphro, "Is the pious loved by the gods because it is pious, or is it pious because it is loved by the gods?" Which basically means this to us now: "Is what is morally...
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    You Are Two - how do souls work with brain halves?

    (I suggest you watch the video before responding, by the way, it's only 5 minutes long.) So I found this really interesting video on YouTube the other day, involving the nature of the brain and how in particular reality works for split-brain people. In these cases, the right and left brains...
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    "Never truly saved?"

    I feel seriously bugged by this (among other things). Some say that if you turn away from the faith, then you were "never truly saved" or "weren't really Christian/were just pretending". How is that fair? Saying someone who honestly seeks answers, doesn't find them in Christ, and leaves the...