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  1. Long Island Pilgrim

    Advanced tithing question

    Hi Folks, I tithe 10% on my gross income so thats not what I'm asking about. My husband just received an inheritance from his mothers retirement account for 35,000 which went directly into another retirement account for him. He says he didn't have the option to cash it in. He says that we...
  2. Long Island Pilgrim

    Prayer for emotional healing

    Hi Guys, I wanted to share that I've had a sin problem for a very long time but I've really been stubbornly refusing to acknowledge it. I have repented and asked God for forgiveness but I'm still posting here because i would appreciate prayer. To start with, I've always had a introverted...
  3. Long Island Pilgrim

    Sin, Sanity and Madness

    Good morning folks, I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions about books or films , fictional or otherwise, which deal with subjects related to freewill , sin, sanity and madness in a Christian context ? I'm currently reading " The Brothers Karamazov" and I'd like to explore more diverse...
  4. Long Island Pilgrim

    Idolatry of Parental Approval

    Good evening everyone, I just wanted to share a wonderful audio series that I ordered and which I recieved in the mail from Shulamite Ministries. If anyone is suffering from an unhealthy attachment with their parents or childhood abuse issues, I would highly recommend this teaching. But you...
  5. Long Island Pilgrim

    I've officially lost touch with humanity

    Hi Guys, I just returned from the neighborhood pizza place. I haven't had pizza in a really long time and I love the Italian men that run the place. It's an elderly Italian father and his three adult sons. They are really nice people. Years ago and before I had become regenerate one of the...
  6. Long Island Pilgrim

    So glad that God is in control

    Hi Guys, I don't know about you guys but as I look around the world I feel so fortunate to be at peace knowing that our God is in control. If I didn't have that knowing I think I would be in a state of total despair just witnessing all the variations of human degradation. I actually find it...
  7. Long Island Pilgrim

    Were you abused by your parents ? This will help free you !

    Hi Guys, There are no words to describe how much torment I have been in over the fifth commandment for years. Having been in bondage to my natural parents almost my entire life this video really freed me. This morning I asked the Lord in prayer to please help me to understand it and he led me...
  8. Long Island Pilgrim

    "SPLITTING"......Why we should be concerned.

    Hi Guys, I wanted to bring something to your attention for your consideration this morning. It's a very helpful concept to meditate on. The Holy Spirit has really impressed the integrating of this understand upon me as very important so I wanted to share it with you. There's a concept called...
  9. Long Island Pilgrim

    I was a coward.

    Hi Guys, I recently viewed an inspiring healing video which encouraged all Born again Christians to not be afraid to pray for people and ask God for healing. So I felt the holy Spirit move me to get out and try. So I went to the supermarket to pick up a few things and I saw a man in a...
  10. Long Island Pilgrim

    Religion or Jesus ?

    Such a liberating teaching. May you be blessed by watching.
  11. Long Island Pilgrim

    Encouragement for times when your Christian walk is hard

    Hi Guys, I wanted to post this encouraging video because it helps to know that other Christians can relate. God Bless
  12. Long Island Pilgrim

    Excellent explanation about getting baptised again

    Hi Folks, This video is so helpful in responding to concerns about our baptisms because people often do have valid questions regarding if their first baptism was valid or not. I was fortunate to have a video so I could look back and make sure that I was baptised in the name of the Father...
  13. Long Island Pilgrim

    Encouraging Healing documentary based upon on Book of Acts.

    Hi Everyone, I just found this and i'm watching this right now. It's very encouraging so I wanted to post it right away. May it bless you! And may you be healed and delivered just by watching.... In Jesus name , Amen !
  14. Long Island Pilgrim

    How do you know you're saved?

    May you know the truth!
  15. Long Island Pilgrim

    The Truth about Personality Disorders

    This is a wonderful Christian website which exposes the truth. I pray it will bless you. The Clinical Textbook of Biblical Psychiatry: home page Mental Illness Diagnosis and cures Mental Ilness Cures: (MMPI-7) meticulous moral principles inquiry
  16. Long Island Pilgrim

    Places for Christian women to fellowship ?

    Hello everyone, I've been having a bit of an ongoing dilemma and maybe a few other women will be able to relate? I would really love to receive feedback from others so please chime in and share your experiences or insights. I'm having difficulty finding a forum for Christian women just to...
  17. Long Island Pilgrim

    This may be related ?

    Hi Guys, I wanted to post something here because it may be a related issue. During the past year my sugar cravings have come back full force. I have gained weight yet again, in fact a Lot of weight , and my eating had become out of control again. I've had an issue with sugar my whole life but...
  18. Long Island Pilgrim

    Psychiatry - The Hidden Enemy

    I pray this very revealing documentary will be a blessing.
  19. Long Island Pilgrim

    Make sure you have been baptised in the Name of Jesus.

    Hi Folks, I just wanted to share something and I trust that the Holy Spirit will convict those people who are meant to receive this information. In my King James Bible in Chapter 22 Verse 16 of the book of Revelation Jesus himself states (his words are always written in red) : "I Jesus have...
  20. Long Island Pilgrim

    Keeping our belongings to a modest level you doing?

    Hello Folks, How are you all living in terms of keeping your belongings to a modest level? My husband and I live in a fairly spacious one bedroom apartment with quite a large amount of closet space. We have as much space as most two bedroom homes. While I am able to keep things tidy and put...