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  1. Gregoire de Nazianze

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    I never call anyone liar. This is a false accusation. Indeed, this is an English language forum. I made wrong to go here. You don't merit any French scholarship presence with you. So, I leave this forum for ever, because I don't want to waste my time with a pseudo-civilisation, which failed...
  2. Gregoire de Nazianze

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    If you confuse tradition and scriptures, you fall under the curse of II Thes.2. Indeed, tradition is not scriptures, but it is the faith exude from scriptures. If scriptures don't rule tradition, this is nothing else but Gnosticism, if you deny any tradition, this is not scripturality, but...
  3. Gregoire de Nazianze

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    So, you profess Apocatastasis, like Gregory of Nyssa, or Aphartodocetism, like Hilary of Poitiers?...
  4. Gregoire de Nazianze

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    The Church's tradition, according to the scriptures, ALONE, is more than all Fathers both, that is my premise. Because, there is some theological particularities in each Fathers, that the tradition didn't assumed, for example, Apocatastasis with Gregory of Nyssa, or else..
  5. Gregoire de Nazianze

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    That's true that only Christ saves us. But, who's Christ? Which Bible? So, this is important to understand church history, because the Holy Ghost creates and preserves the church. So, what is the church? The church is God's people, gathered around the name of Jesus ( Mt.18/19-20, I Cor.12/3...
  6. Gregoire de Nazianze

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    Only gnostic doesn't literally profess the creed, that's matter of faith, not of reason. Orthodox protestant theology, not fundamentalism, teaches us that he Bible is the TRIUNE GOD's word. So, we must have before a definition of who's God. That's the reason why I said that the unaltered Nicene...
  7. Gregoire de Nazianze

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    Very funny... But, this sentence was a response to an answer. I didn't mean that I despised Fathers, my name said the contrary. No, in fact, inside theology, we must be logic, with the matter, before going to quote Fathers. That's the meaning of this incriminated sentence. Since I 'm here, in...
  8. Gregoire de Nazianze

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    Quote all my writings, if you want, but don't try to discredit me by lying...
  9. Gregoire de Nazianze

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    Fathers are not apostles nor prophets. But I trust you, when you said that logic plays no part in your theology...
  10. Gregoire de Nazianze

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    Logic hasn't prevalence over the Fathers in your theology?
  11. Gregoire de Nazianze

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    Firstly, I don't care about the Fathers, but about logic.
  12. Gregoire de Nazianze

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    I'm convince that the creed's article about Christ's resurrection is the caution of the "juxta scriptura". If you don't agree, we don't have the same faith, that's all...
  13. Gregoire de Nazianze

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    NOW, we have the new testament, and our theology mustn't contradict it. That's all.
  14. Gregoire de Nazianze

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    If the capital point of our faith must be based upon scriptures, even more the rest. So, if someone wants to restrain this sentence only to the O.T, how can we have certitude about creed, alone? What is the meaning of the creed, as the frame of theology, as the councils of Ephesus or Chalcedon...
  15. Gregoire de Nazianze

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    I don't care about your opinion over Calvin, but his success is amazing... Theology is not kidding, like some priest did in some schools and orphanages... Luther may be crude, but he denounced the vice of the clergy, at his time... The tradition make a great distinction between the canonical...
  16. Gregoire de Nazianze

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    First, in French, we have good terminology, with Calvin and others... Secondly, theology is not an amusement circus with Some rollercoasters, like this Mobius strip... If Christ rose again, according to the scriptures, so all our faith-even the creed-must be confirmed by the scriptures, If we...
  17. Gregoire de Nazianze

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    If we believe that Jesus-Christ rose again from death, ACCORDING TO the scriptures, I cannot understand, if we admit the canonical book list's existence, how we can deny for Gospel, what it's necessary for his base, the resuscitation: the "juxta scriptura"?...
  18. Gregoire de Nazianze

    Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus…..Outside The Church There Is No Salvation !!!!

    Obviously, only the Holy Ghost can convince and create faith...