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    If women shouldn't speak at all in church....

    "And even though this is not our role it does not mean we cannot lead in other areas because we all know that they are women who are leaders!" Yes! Wives are to "oikodespoteo" (I Timothy 5:14). It means to "rule the household" according to most reference works. She is to "rule in domestic...
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    If He were alive today, would Jesus vote?

    WOW! This is an excellent point. There is no such example of Christ trying to improve local government. Indeed, when Christ DOES fix the government it will be a divine government, the Kingdom of God! That was His focus from the very beginning and on throughout His short life. -- Ken
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    If He were alive today, would Jesus vote?

    No, He wouldn't. After all, He has been appointed by our Father to rule the world -- along with His saints as well (I Corinthians 6:2). For us to vote for anyone else would be disloyal, in my opinion. -- Ken
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    Universal reconciliation

    God "...will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth" (I Timothy 2:4). That's pretty tough to believe, isn't it. And the original Greek doesn't say God merely "hopes" to save all, it says He is "willing" to save all, meaning God is ready, eager, and prepared to do...
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    Does it really matter what we believe?

    I'm surprised at the very question! BELIEF is very important to God. The opposite -- UNBELIEF -- is even worse to God than idol worship! While He states that He "will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth," who in the Christian faith actually believes He can and...
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    Universal reconciliation

    God "...will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth" (I Timothy 2:4). That's pretty tough to believe, isn't it. And the original Greek doesn't say God merely "hopes" to save all, it says He is "willing" to save all, meaning God is ready, eager, and prepared to do...
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    Can atheists go to heaven?

    "Please do not be deceived into thinking that an atheist could go to heaven in his or her state of unbelief." Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that anyone can be in a "state of unbelief" AND, at the same time, BE SAVED. No, of course not. However, have you given consideration to Christ's...
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    Can atheists go to heaven?

    "He was asked whether atheists can go to heaven and not only did he say yes he seemed utterly convinced of it." (quote) Mmm. That seems pretty plain to me. If TODAY is not the only day of salvation, then God can indeed save anyone He wants to -- including atheists. No? You want to limit God?
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    Can atheists go to heaven?

    Sure, there are today, and always have been, Christians who believe God will do what He says -- SAVE EVERYONE. (What an awful belief!)
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    Is God sovereign over the Paris shootings?

    VERY GOOD, Hammster!
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    Why is Slavery in the Bible?

    Slavery is OK and it's called "marriage" (I Corinthians 7:15). True Christians are also "slaves" of God and His Son Jesus Christ.
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    How do we get to Heaven?

    That's true, "Jesus is the only way to the Father." It is also true that God tells us not to worry about anything (Philippians 4:6), This is especially true regarding our salvation. We don't have to worry about it because it is TOTALLY in God's hands: He "works ALL THINGS after the counsel of...
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    How do we get to Heaven?

    How do we get to Heaven? The question SHOULD be, "Where do the saved reside?" I say that because the Bible does not speak of heaven as our "dwelling place" or as our "abode" in John 14:2. "In my Father's house are many abodes" (same verse) is another example where people take the words of...
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    Is inappropriate behavior with animals a Sin? What Does the Bible Say?

    Yea, but don't you mean verses 1-5, Mike? Romans 13:1-5 essentially ends this thread. Unless, of course, YHWH's Lion just wants to argue.
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    Is inappropriate behavior with animals a Sin? What Does the Bible Say?

    "Jesus did not get rid of his own laws"? No, what about the laws regarding sacrifices? What about the Sabbath, which he "annulled" (John 5:18; CLNT)? What about all the yearly "feasts of the Lord"? What about tithing -- are you able to pay a tenth of your wages to the Levitical priesthood? What...
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    Is the law "done away " and abolished I mean the ten commandments? for believers?

    The term "free will" is only found ONE time in the Bible and it's only in passing in the Old Testament. In reality, man's so-called "free will" is much like what a dog has who is tethered by a chain to a stake in the ground --- his "free will" is severely limited. There is ultimately only one...
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    Most Accurate Bible Translation

    "If that's the case then everyone would be a universialist ..." No, not really. That's because there is not much unanimity among Christians about ANYTHING. Remember, God likes to hide things (Proverbs 25:2).
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    Most Accurate Bible Translation

    Yes, it 'teaches universalism'. But you can't find ANY TRANSLATION of the Bible that doesn't -- from Genesis to Revelation!
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    Universal reconciliation

    2KnowHim, Your reference to the first and last Adam reminded me of a study I made a number of years ago. It concerns a rather astonishing new proof that God will succeed in remaking all of mankind into His own image and likeness (which He clearly reveals as His goal in Genesis 1:26). In other...
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    Most Accurate Bible Translation

    I use many translations, but for accuracy I rely heavily -- though not totally -- on the Concordant Literal New Testament, along with their Old Testament. No translation is perfect, but the Concordant version is definitely the best I've ever found.