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  1. DiscipleEthan

    Anxious all the time about getting tickets.

    I just got back on the road not too long ago and I am always anxious. I’ve had a history of fender benders and hitting objects but I have never gotten a ticket. I’m always worried that one day I’ll get a speeding ticket or a red light ticket in the mail if not by a police officer. Sometimes I...
  2. DiscipleEthan

    I keep making enemies at my old apartment complex

    I returned the keys to my old apartment but before I left an apartment employee had his underwear in a twist. he claimed I almost hit his car when deciding to turn right instead of left at a crowded stop sign. Everyone makes mistakes, and I don't think he should have gotten so upset. we didn't...
  3. DiscipleEthan

    Prayer for my neighbor and I regarding car insurance

    I had a fender bender with a Persian neighbor who doesn't speak English very well. I accidentally backed into his car when in a hurry to get to work. Because of the minor language barrier it was very rough to get the information we need from each other to make claims on our insurances and file...
  4. DiscipleEthan

    Can you be forgiven for "eating to your harm"?

    Hey guys. I'm getting an official membership at my Lutheran church so I can take communion. but a few weeks ago I was too excited so I took communion prematurely without permission to. they have closed communion so no one eats to their harm. so did I eat to my harm? If so, is it a forgivable...
  5. DiscipleEthan

    Need help debating a KJV only person

    I have been dealing with a KJV only person for a long time. He uses Acts 18:24-26 to try to attack the Alexandrian manuscripts and claim that Alexandria is the center of perverstion of manuscripts. and has also claimed that the early church wrote against Alexandrians. I feel like he is taking...
  6. DiscipleEthan

    Not getting along well with someone

    I have been at my wit's end with somebody. He is a Christian but I find him judgmental and radical. Today when I mentioned Harvest Crusade and Greg Laurie, he went on and on about how he was antagonized by Calvary chapel pastors. But I think that is judging an entire denomination based on the...
  7. DiscipleEthan

    Does John 17:15 Destroy Pretribulation Rapture?

    I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one. -John 17:15 I'm a pre trib believer, but I can't help but be bothered by this verse. does this prove posttribulation, or is there a way around this? I'd like some answers
  8. DiscipleEthan

    Codependency Dilemma

    I reunited with an old Christian I met on facebook from before I got saved. We were close and his mom liked me too and they came from georgia to california to visit me once. They shared the gospel with me. I cut ties with him for a while because he was nothing but clingy on me 24/7 and had a...
  9. DiscipleEthan

    Challenges for pre tribulation rapture

    I met someone who believes in a post tribulation rapture and he had a list of challenges for pre tribbers. Can all those who believe in a pre trib rapture help me respond to these challenges? 1) Show a single verse or passage that clearly details two future comings of Jesus, namely one “for His...
  10. DiscipleEthan

    Responding to a KJV advocate

    I met someone over skype who claimed that the newer translations (NIV, ESV, NASB, etc) took verses out of God's word and that the people who translated them are cursed because of revelation 22:18-19. Therefore he claims that only the KJV and earlier are the only bibles that haven't been...
  11. DiscipleEthan

    Can you help me refute this claim that Jesus isn't the messiah?

    I was browsing around and saw a Jews for Judaism page that contained reasons why they think Jesus isn't the messiah. I'd like help in refuting this one in particular: The Messiah must be from the Tribe of Judah and a Descendant of King David AND King Solomon The Messiah must be a member of...
  12. DiscipleEthan

    Feel like I committed unforgivable sin and worried that I can't be forgiven

    So I have yet another question. What does it mean to blaspheme against the holy spirit? Because before I was saved, I once thought that Jesus was the devil in disguise. And I have also been pressured into saying the sinner's prayer and then after that I turned away from Jesus. But then I...
  13. DiscipleEthan

    Should I be worried about Purgatory?

    I assume that everyone in this thread is Non Denominational. so I want to know something. What's everyone's view on the doctrine of Purgatory. If you don't believe in purgatory or know purgatory isn't real, then how do you know? I was never taught purgatory and I never really believed it, but...
  14. DiscipleEthan

    Day of the Lord on September 24 2015?

    Someone told me that the day of the lord will possibly be on September 24 2015 and I did my own research on it. They think the day of the lord is coming because there's rumors that an asteroid will strike the earth on that day, as well as the pope speaking to congress on the same day. I'm unsure...
  15. DiscipleEthan

    Nearly swallowed or inhaled a coin. Feel traumatized

    I remember long ago before I was saved by Christ, I nearly swallowed a nickel. and from what I remember I was home alone and by myself. It was a nickel from what I remember and it started going down my throat, but then I hacked it back up. I feel traumatized because if I had inhaled it, I could...
  16. DiscipleEthan

    Nearly swallowed or inhaled a coin. Feel traumatized

    I remember long ago before I was saved by Christ, I nearly swallowed a nickel. and from what I remember I was home alone and by myself. It was a nickel from what I remember and it started going down my throat, but then I hacked it back up. I feel traumatized because if I had inhaled it, I could...
  17. DiscipleEthan

    Dealing with a strange person in my life

    I know someone who claims to be a Christian, but he is just plain weird. He doesn't seem to actually accept Jesus as his lord and savior. He said Jesus is the Son of God but he doesn't think that Jesus is God. But the strange part is that he thinks his death taught men to die for their own sins...
  18. DiscipleEthan

    Guilty of virtual assault

    So it's kind of a long story and it's hard to explain but 4 years ago before I was saved by Jesus I really disliked a girl I knew online who was in a relationship with one of my friends. For example I didn't like her mean jokes and the way she teased me. I was raised in the Jewish faith but was...
  19. DiscipleEthan

    Guilty and having trouble forgiving myself

    Long ago when I was a kid I showed my younger sister my penis for no good reason because I was being stupid. I feel as though I knew better, but I did it anyway. As if to taunt her. It was immature of me and she was too young to see that. I know I shouldn't cry over spilled milk and I do accept...
  20. DiscipleEthan

    What exactly is science fantasy?

    I own a spiritual warefare bible and towards the end of it there's a list of demons and something called "science fantasy" was in the list. Can someone tell me exactly what that is? I want to know if I'm doing something bad