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  1. D

    When people say “God/The Father told me x, y, and z...”

    Do you believe them? Hebrews 1:1-2 KJV John 14:26 KJV Is the concept of followers of Christ hearing audibly(or in our head) from God the Father supported by scripture?
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    Weddings on the Sabbath

    Good morning I have recently been invited to a wedding of a couple in the Body of Messiah, which will be on the Sabbath. I am not so sure we should have weddings and parties etc on the Sabbath - if a coworker was to invite me to a wedding on the sabbath, I would not go. I would not hold my...
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    Who was the disciple that the Messiah loved?

    Most of us know that there was a particular disciple that the Messiah loved, as mentioned by the writer of the gospel commonly attributed to John. Most people think it is John based on tradition, but what do the Scriptures say? Do they tell us who he loved? John 11:1-3 John 11:5 When...
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    The new covenant was given to Israel, not Gentiles

    **Disclaimer: Gentiles who believe on the Messiah are grafted into the olive tree, which is Israel - Romans 11. Also, Gentiles who believe on the Messiah are now fellow citizens with God’s people, Israel - Ephesians 2:19. Gentiles who believe in the Messiah are now Israel, and are partakers of...
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    It is evil to teach children of God to not obey his commands

    Deuteronomy 13:1-5 When I discovered this verse a few years ago, I thought, wow, if somebody teaches us to disobey God’s commands and follow other gods, then that person is FALSE and EVIL, and we should not listen to them. I started to study deeper and re-evaluate Jesus’ teachings and also...
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    Marriage in the age to come

    This is a hard teaching for me. If I take it at face value, it seems that people will not be husband and wife in heaven, that we will be like the angels, who don’t procreate, and who aren’t in relationships, and that we will all exist as children of God. This only makes sense since God is our...
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    The Apostle Paul: “What matters is keeping the commandments of God”

    the Apostle wrote that no matter who you are when you were called into Christ, that what matters the most is to keep the commandments of God Notice that he taught this in ALL of the churches/assemblies of Christ. All of the assemblies/churches Paul taught at, lived in obedience to God’s...
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    We can fulfill the law.

    Romans 13:8-10 Christ fulfilled the law and so can we. In fact, we should be fulfilling the law everyday by loving God and loving our neighbor as ourself. We usually hear people say that “Christ fulfilled the law” to indicate that we don’t have to obey the law, but that is not scriptural...
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    When did the Messiah see Ha'Satan fall from heaven?

    Luke 10:17-18
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    Eating swine & other unclean animals is a work of the flesh

    Shalom! ETA: This thread does not teach that salvation is through the law of Moses/law of God. This thread teaches that salvation is through the Messiah/Christ, Jesus/Yeshua/Yahushua This thread is only about the subject of eating unclean animals, and how they make us unclean. Paul wrote to...
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    The book of Acts proves that early Christians regularly attended synagogues

    We see Paul in the book of Acts, before his conversion by his encounter with the Messiah, persecuting Christians, believers of Yahushua the Messiah of Nazareth. As we will see, Paul sought out Christians in the synagogues in Damascus, Jerusalem and other cities Paul was viciously persecuting...