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  1. T

    Please God, Fix America

    :prayer: Recently, I have had problems with the internet, and my computer. Finally, a couple nights ago I asked God to fix my computer. It's been working fine since. I know Verizon didn't fix it, because they weren't even taking responsibility. We have a similar situation in our...
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    New Party and Why

    FREEDOM USA PARTY This is a proposal for a new political party. It's obvious to those of us who have been a political watcher for some time that there is little difference between the two major parties here in the USA. Together they passed laws, created new departments, that have...
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    The Collapse of the US Dollar

    Ron Paul, Steve Forbes and many economists are saying the US Dollar is going to collapse. Steve Forbes says, in order to prevent that, we need to get back on the Gold Standard. What do you think?
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    Who Is Israel?

    According to Scripture, Israel was established by God through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and Aaron. That Israel was destroyed in a war between Israel and Rome in 66-73 AD. The current nation of Israel was established by the United Nations in 1948. The question is, is this the same Israel...
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    Lamentations 3.46-51: Message to America

    LAMENTATIONS 3.46-51 All our enemies have opened their mouths against us. Panic and pitfall have befallen us, Devastation and destruction; My eyes run down with streams of water Because of the destruction of the daughter of my people. My eyes pour down unceasingly, Without stopping...
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    Take Our Country Back

    Let me tell you what that phrase means to me. It means getting Our Country back to the Constitution and the Bible. We have a government that has been tearing the Constitution and the Bible to shreds. And I'm tired of it. And it has little to do with the current resident of the White...
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    Christ Centered Church

    I am looking for a Christ centered church. One that is not a denomination. One that does not celebrate Christmas or Easter nor Halloween. One that believes in fulfilled prophecy. One that is not Calvinist, or Pentecostal. Is there such a thing?
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    Is This The America You Want?

    Tomorrow will be my last primary as a Republican. On Wednesday I will be changing my party registration to Independent. Now, before I go any further I want to say that when I say Republican or Democrat, I am only talking about the leadership and current office holders in the Federal and...
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    Hi folks

    I am new here. This place looks so familiar, like I've been here before. How can I find out if I was? Either that, or it's just Deja Vu.