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  1. Crwth

    Vaccinated and Think You're Safe?

    I'm getting tired of all the fear-mongering threads about so-and-so wishing they'd got the vaccine but didn't and suffered.... however. The propaganda is getting very old. I don't know if it's because of paranoia or what, but it's becoming quite tiresome and I for one wishes it would stop...
  2. Crwth

    Inside Black Lives Matters - a BLM Expose

    From Heritage.Org: The Agenda of Black Lives Matter Is Far Different From the Slogan Summarized in the article: The group’s radical Marxist agenda would supplant the basic building block of society—the family—with the state and destroy the economic system that has lifted more people from...
  3. Crwth

    Notes for Reading the Declaration of Independence

    Independence day is fast approaching and for those who've made it a tradition to read the Declaration of Independence on July 4th (and you know who you are :)), this article raises some - I believe - very good points to ponder in your reading. I've read the Declaration many times, from grade...
  4. Crwth

    Sourdough Starter / Bread

    I am hurtling head-long into this arena of making my own sourdough bread. It's been fun so far, and very enlightening. I've always LOVED San Francisco sourdough bread and have been intrigued for years by the notion of "sourdough starter" - having heard the San Francisco starters have been...
  5. Crwth

    THE NEW TESTAMENT - verse by verse

    (ASV) Matthew 1:1 The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.