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  1. merrykate

    Little prayers

    Heavenly Father, Please give this child of yours a sense of peace and strength as he works to overcome whatever struggles he is facing. May he rest in your infinite love, which remains the same through both our greatest acts of righteousness and deepest moments of sin. In Jesus' Name...
  2. merrykate

    Need prayer for protection and to remove fear anxiety..

    Dear Father, I ask that mimi's anxiety and fear subsides and that she will rest in your perfect love. Bless her, and help her to remember your presence is unfailing, even at those times when anxiety makes it difficult to recognize. In Jesus' Name. Amen.:prayer: - I have always struggled with...
  3. merrykate

    For my friend and I. Health and more

    Dear Father, Please bless skybrdkd and their friend. I ask for healing for them both, as as mental, emotional, and spiritual peace. In Jesus' Name. Amen.:prayer:
  4. merrykate

    Prayers for my mom

    Heavenly Father, Please bless vanillakay and her mother. I pray that all tests results come back as healthy, according to your perfect will and timing. Give vanillakay and her mother reassurance of your sovereignty and love in all circumstances. In Jesus' Name. Amen.:prayer:
  5. merrykate

    Prayer Request Pray for my Wife

    Heavenly Father, Bless Oloche, his wife, and their new child. I pray for a successful delivery. I also ask that this new baby may have a life spent embracing Christ's love. Give this family strength and peace as they welcome this new life. In Jesus' Name. Amen.:prayer:
  6. merrykate

    Prayers for sister-in-law

    Dear Father, I ask that you guide rswing99's sister-in-law to healing. I pray for a successful treatment and that she will grow continually aware of your Love through this struggle. In Jesus' Name. Amen.:prayer:
  7. merrykate

    Trigger warning for depression

    I am so sorry that you are hurting-- Remember, Jesus hurt, too, even to the point that he asked his Father "Why have you abandoned me?" He understands every aspect of your Depression, and he will never leave you. He has gotten you through every struggle of your past, and you will come through...
  8. merrykate

    Financial Relief for Team

    Dear Father, I ask that you bless isuphloyd's team with financial stability and community support. May this be an opportunity for your glory and love to show in the hearts where it is needed. In Jesus's Name. Amen.:prayer:
  9. merrykate

    Prayers for a job

    Dear Father, I ask that you guide rswings99 to a new job that brings them security, purpose, and joy. In Jesus' Name, Amen.:prayer:
  10. merrykate

    Please pray that I do not say or do anything evil

    Heavenly Father, I hold thelordskingdom777 in your Light and Love. Help him to follow you-- Furthermore, give him the peace of your unending and steadfast love, a love never based on our own goodness but on your very essence and on Christ's victory over sin. In Jesus's Name. Amen.:prayer: -- I...
  11. merrykate

    Rehab anxiet.

    Heavenly Father, I hold Dabro in your Light and Love, asking you to guide him away from all addiction. Please help him curtail his use of medication to a rate that his helpful and healing to his mind, body, and spirit. In Jesus' Name. Amen.:prayer:
  12. merrykate

    Son suffering from anxiety and depression

    Dear Father, Please cover Brinal's son with your love and give him a sense of divine peace and contentment. Guide him and Brinal down the best path for help and healing. May Brinal's son remember that your love is so much stronger than even our greatest anxieties, fears, and sorrows. In Jesus'...
  13. merrykate

    continues prayers for being bullied, addictions and isolations

    Holding you in the Light:prayer:
  14. merrykate

    pray dad finds a new job soon

    Holding you in the Light:prayer:
  15. merrykate

    Prayer with me. :(

    Dear Father, I ask that you give Seeking the guidance and understanding to rebuild his broken relationships. Please heal his own heart, so that he may no longer be plagued by guilt, as he has come to You and may already stand before eternity as stainless, thanks to Your infinite love, as...
  16. merrykate

    prayer request for a single mom

    Dear Father, Please draw near to your child today and make your infinite love known. Guide her to safety and peace so that she may live a happy life with her daughter. I ask for the utmost healing of situation, heart, mind, and spirit for your child. In Jesus' Name, Amen. - I am so sorry to...
  17. merrykate

    can you pray for my Schizophrenia to heal?

    Dear Father, I pray that Jacob may sense your love even through the darkest moments of schizophrenia. May he never forget his infinite value to you, and may you guide him to use his own illness and pain as a way to show your light and love to others. Amen. I have never experienced...
  18. merrykate

    Please pray for my family.

    My mom looked into performing a home fecal transplant, although I don't know of the success rate for that. She was desperate, and did not know where to turn. It may not be a healthy option-- I truly don't know.:/ But it may be something to research. Prayers and love to your family, Kate
  19. merrykate

    Please pray for my family.

    Dear Father, I place the Voice of Truth's husband in your Light and Love. I ask for his complete healing, according to your will. Give this man, his wife, and their son strength through this struggle. Hold them close and keep them aware of your presence in the midst of their pain. In Jesus'...
  20. merrykate

    I'm Not Saved, Am I...?

    Couldn't have said it better, Lee! :) Such ideas may seem foreign to you, Hannah, as they once were to me, but they encompass such as deep presence within Christian thought and history but have somehow gone unnoticed by so many. So look more deeply into treating your OCD and anxiety, try some...