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  1. H

    A Muslim-Dominant Society

    Ah, the now and the not yet ... How I wish the new had already fully come. Sadly I slip and fall on a daily basis. Thank God for his Grace. :) Wow ... am afraid I don't have your confidence of judgment (or share your conclusion).
  2. H

    A Muslim-Dominant Society

    We're all sinners in need of grace --- that's one point of comparison. :) I might suggest that we're all vulnerable to following slippery slopes that lead to violence.
  3. H

    A Muslim-Dominant Society

    I'm frequently amazed at how diverse we are. I read the earlier comment by Emily as being thoughtful, perceptive, and objectively defensible, yet obviously you see something very different. I'm never quire sure how to get around this without us having dinner together! :) On one level, my...
  4. H

    A Muslim-Dominant Society

    Well, there's the dominant usage: Apartheid - Wikipedia The secondary applications of the term almost all include some form of discrimination, not merely separation. Apartheid (disambiguation) - Wikipedia For my own experience, it is the first of the above usages that is evoked when I hear the...
  5. H

    A Muslim-Dominant Society

    I simply can't quite wrap my head around this ... my mind boggles! But perhaps that's because I lived under apartheid and cannot see how it can be used as a neutral word. Having witnessed and experienced apartheid's deprivation of fundamental respect for human life, the oppression of people...
  6. H

    A Muslim-Dominant Society

    I find most of the comments made here extremely disturbing given the mixed expression of fear, antagonism, and simplification of what is a very complex culture. I happen to live in an African nation which is a strong mix of religions including Islam. I agree religious differences can spark...
  7. H

    Does morality exist without God?

    Hmmm ... it must be monday coz I'm not quite getting that. My spouse is the reference for my marriage. The *nature* of my marriage is dependent on my spouses expression. But the existence of my marriage is only dependent on the existence of my spouse. Of course, all analogies collapse at...
  8. H

    Does morality exist without God?

    Well, I think what I said was "the extra-universal personality ... variable or not, is still an absolute reference"-- that is, I am referring to a personality that is extra-universal as the absolute reference. In a very crude analogy, my spouse is variable in expression, but undeniably is...
  9. H

    Does morality exist without God?

    Agreed ... but the extra-universal personality ... variable or not, is still an absolute reference. Its an interesting side avenue to consider if the fact that a personality can vary, necessarily means it will vary. But I don't think that issue changes the primary point.
  10. H

    Global warming and the end

    Ah: I'm not disagreeing on the reality of climate change ... I am highly concerned. I am actually pointing a finger at deniers who, I argue, are threatened by their comfort being disturbed by climate change My argument unpacked here...
  11. H

    Why does evil exist?

    I must disagree ... this is duality ... see previous post.
  12. H

    Does morality exist without God?

    Yes ... I agree in that there are *reasons*. But morality implies personality, else its an aspect of the physical universe with no intrinsic meaning. An external morality-defining personality that is sub-universal is also only a big reason, but it can be be argued with. So for absolute...
  13. H

    Why does evil exist?

    This discussion touches on that of duality ... evil is not the opposite of good, evil is the absence of good. Just as cold does not exist, it's only the absence of warm. Duality is a dangerous prevailing paradigm of todays culture. My expanded thoughts...
  14. H

    Does morality exist without God?

    Morality in any absolute sense needs an absolute external reference. What absolute external reference could exist except God. Otherwise any morality is merely a preference, and the prevailing morality is the choice of those who hold the power - which *may* be an absolute morality, but likely...
  15. H

    Is global warming just another ‘End-of-the-World’ delusion?

    So I am new, and wading through all the history of this thread seems impractical. Maybe this point has been made somewhere, but I haven't seen it clearly. The physics of anthropogenic climate change are very hard to dispute ... the breadth of evidence is clearly indicative of an increased...
  16. H

    It's so hard to think

    Hi everyone ... I stumbled on this forum because it's so hard to find places to thoughtfully discuss. I'm a middle aged Christian ... of the relational persuasion (my term). Christianity is about relationship, first with God, then with each other. When we let denominational baggage break...
  17. H

    Global warming and the end

    I am disturbed at the polarization on climate change, but not surprised. Coming from a non-developed nation I am acutely aware of the dangers of arguing from a place of comfort. At the heart of the matter is relational responsibility, and before God this leads to our accountability. It is not...