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  1. Follower3

    Pray for sharp stabbing pains to go away

    It slowly got worse, now I can't even sit for 1 minute and then have a stabbing pain. I don't know if its a nerve thing, or a prostate thing or what. Please pray for healing. 2 years ago i had this pain very similarly, but it only stabbed me suddenly kind of out of no where, which it did last...
  2. Follower3

    Pray for complete, and quick healing, and removal of pain.

    I've been doing mostly ok for a couple of years or so, but I got a very sudden, and INTENSE sharp/shooting pain. I week ago I had also my interstitial cystitis pains back after not being bothered for almost 2 years. It has been giving me problems, and i have been taking aspirin. this intense...
  3. Follower3

    Call no one fool..... except for?

    The bible says call no man fool, and yet fool is in the bible over 99 times. Is the ancient translation different? Is the word it uses for fool in greek/hebrew a different word for fool when it says call no man fool than it is the other 99 times it is mentioned? Does this simply mean don't call...
  4. Follower3


    I am having pains in my prostate area, I looked it up online and I am 95% sure it is because of constipation, I have been REALLY constipated lately, and according to this it can cause toxins to leak into other parts of the body and directly effect the prostate/urethra, and this is causing pain...
  5. Follower3

    Swollen epididymis.

    Swollen epididymis which is getting uncomfortable, had it for a couple of days now, I think it's going away. I also have a cough i have had for over 19 days ( it's not bad, but i have had it a long time) I think it is going away too. Please pray for complete healing!
  6. Follower3

    More prayer for Interstitial Cystitis.

    I did something to hurt myself I think. I haven't had pains like this in a long time, been in pain for a few days now from my interstitial cystitis. PLEASE pray for complete healing, remove all pain, brothers and sisters.
  7. Follower3

    Prayer for pain to never enter this body.

    I was diagnosed with Interstitial Cistitis 4-5 or so years ago, Last night I woke up at about 2:00 am (and again at 3:00) in extreme pain, I took an ib profen, prayed, cast out the pain in Jesus name, but I was still in pain. I got very angry, I started punching myself in the arm, and torso...
  8. Follower3

    Prayer of healing again please.

    Thank you for your prayers before, that helped my infection. I suffer from interstitial cystitis. I am having a bad flareup for a couple of days now. Please pray the pain will go away, and that I will be fully healed. Thank you!
  9. Follower3


    I had what I thought was a yeast infection on my...... man part? the doctor gave me cream, it looked like it was going away.... while still using the cream it moved to a different spot, and got worse. it did this several times, I've tried several anti fungal and all natural creams. I went in...
  10. Follower3

    Pray for the problems of problem countries/nations.

    There is daily violence in the middle east, by extremists, and non extremists alike. Venezuela citizens are rioting against their government for the past 10 years ( and for good reasons) Venezuela is highly oppressed by a government that will kill them or imprison then simply for feeding the...
  11. Follower3

    Is anger unforgiveness?

    How much of anger derives from unforgiveness? If you have forgiveness in your heart, and can practice forgiving someone immediately, if for example someone steps on your foot, or maybe you see some one abusing a dog, anger won't even come to the forfront, you have in a sense already forgiven...
  12. Follower3


    Pray for us please, we need a new place in < 30 days, and we have a dog, don't know what we will do, or if we can even qualify for anything. If you have any knowledge, or advice on finding a place, or special programs please let me know.
  13. Follower3

    Did Daniel have to fast and pray for 21 days? Daniel 10

    There are 3 major questions in this post. (split into more, smaller questions) "2 In those days I, Daniel, had been mourning for three entire weeks. 3 I ate no tasty food, nor did any meat or wine enter my mouth; and I did not a]">[a]anoint (refresh, groom) myself at all for the full three...
  14. Follower3

    Pray for healing.

    I have had Interstitial Cystitis for about 4 + years now, it has been ok this last year or so, and I only got a flare up when I do something wrong ( like eat too much sugar) Except for lately, it has gotten much worse because of my sin, last night I was in a great deal of pain, and didn't really...
  15. Follower3

    More teeth pains.

    I had a crown put in a few weeks ago, and was swollen before that. Thank you all who prayed for me. Now my bottom tooth where my new crown bites on is getting extremely sensitive, and sensitive to temperature, EXTREMELY sensitive, and painful. I think the crown may be stressing the other...
  16. Follower3

    Going to ER Pray for me plz.

    Had gum infection or abscess tooth. face was swollen. it has now swollen up to my eye. I am going to the ER right now. please pray for me, full healing, and that this infection wont spread. thanks.
  17. Follower3

    Prayer plz healing.

    I have a rash, and red bumps, with white things on the tip of my genetalia. I didn't do anything that would cause this, but I might not have been very hygienic. It is extremely painful, I tried to clean it and it felt like sand paper! on the tip of my glans. Plz pray it is not serious, and for...
  18. Follower3

    Making a game, need a name.

    I am making a Final Fantasy style web game with christian undertones. I need a title. If you can suggest some for me, this is the list I have so far for a name. I want it to make players go '' oh I want to play that" as soon as they hear the title, and know that it is an RPG, without immediately...
  19. Follower3

    Feel hungover but didnt drink.

    Feel very bad this morning, when I lay on my back, or am standing up I feel like the room is spinning. my stomach felt weird, I drank some water, and vomited and am feeling a bit better now. I might have ate something bad, or got dehydrated. I feel like I downed a bottle of vodka last night, but...
  20. Follower3

    Can't tell if real woman.

    I don't know if this is the right place to post this, or if I should even be posting on a christian site. I have a date with a woman next week, and she has these weird markings on her throat below her chin. So now I am wondering if it is a transgender, and maybe she/he had the adams apple...