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  1. P

    Orchestral Gospel....

    I just love the orchestral hymns! So beautiful.... Does anyone know of any exceptional ones?
  2. P

    Spring/Summer allergies? 99% cure!!!!!!!!!!!

    If you have summer or spring allergies,from pollen and what not,take two tablespoons of honey (from the us only) twice a day. I tell you it works wonders!
  3. P

    Great Pyrenees

    If anyone is ever looking for a new dog,they should definitely consider this breed! They love children,they're protective and they're not hyper! Great dog. Plus,you can usually find one easily at a Great Pyrenees rescue. Hope someone finds this info helpful.
  4. P

    Wiki has great facts...

    Wikipedia has great facts for history. Check them out on any subject.
  5. P


    New here! Great place.