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  1. C

    Fragility of Religious Layering

    My friend, what is the purpose in your post? Are you yourself an atheist? Muslim? Christian or Jew?
  2. C

    Luke 6:12; WHY???

    I had the exact same question my friend in the first year of my faith. I implore you, encourage you to read, meditate and pray on Philippians 2:5-8. This passage alone reveals the ROLES the Father and Son play. and it clarifies further what the Trinity looks like. the Son is not the Father...
  3. C

    The Bible vs. The Scriptures

    Not quite. Even Peter the Apostle equated Pauls writings as equal with the RES OF SCRIPTURE.
  4. C

    The Wife Is Never Equal To The Husband

    My friend. That is a lie from satan. You are confusing scriptures clarity of roles and position with a womans equality/IDENTITY of personhood. a woman isn't less of a person, or less valuable, in the eyes of God. For God said He has blessed her with even the GIVING of LIFE, child bearing. You...
  5. C

    Must you be born again?

    yes. why? Because Jesus the Lord said so. What's interesting is to be "born again" in the original language means to be "born from above". It's a new transforming birth by the Holy Spirit. A birth that can only happen when one lets go of their ways. Repents and comes to Jesus Christ in...
  6. C

    Books removed from the bible?

    Lets clarify, by stating "the bible" you are then imlpying the compilation of texts. Being such, the other texts that are not in there were never part of the bible to begin with. some councils in the 4th century, not 3rd my friend, debated about the other texts. but at the end of the councils...
  7. C

    "I'm not saved by works" has done more to hinder salvation than sin has.

    Obedience is, of course. but that's entirely separate than works saving a person. So again, can a mans own deeds attain him salvation? Sin has always been sinful. Hence there being wicked men right from Genesis. One's conviction also has always been there. Only the question wuold be, did they...
  8. C

    "I'm not saved by works" has done more to hinder salvation than sin has.

    Lets start with a simple question. Though I agree entirely with your post. Your title implies something else. so allow me to ask, are we saved by works? meaning, can we attain salvation by our own means?
  9. C

    book of Job

    Amen bro. So i encourage you to not allow your concerns capture you. if they are that is. But know that Gods word, in all its entirety is true and faithful. Being as such, no one knows for certain who wrote job. yet, he is mentioned elsewhere in scripture. This ought to be enough for all. :)...
  10. C

    book of Job

    ARGHH!! You beat me to it. I was going to refer Ezekiel. ;) Yes, Job indeed was real. Our God Almighty, God over all things mentions Him BY NAME among other prophets and heroes of faith. (To OP)
  11. C

    The Origin of "Satan"

    Yes indeed. the link i provided addresses this very well.
  12. C

    The Origin of "Satan"

    Of course, no problem.
  13. C

    The Origin of "Satan"

    :) my friend, that's not even close to what the copyright may imply. You're inferring with your own prejudices.
  14. C

    The Origin of "Satan"

    let's point out two things here. Helel in Isaiah is a noun. and this is the Only place in the OT it is a noun. therefore, Isaiah is speaking of a person. Let's remember the contexts of scripture my friend. Many jews believed this, so why argue any different. Secondly, please don't assume all...
  15. C

    The Origin of "Satan"

    Here you go my friend: Satan: SATAN -
  16. C

    The Origin of "Satan"

    I really don't see the point of your argument. Two different terms that have always been used interchangeably for the evil one. the hebrew word for satan is, THE Adversary. in certain contexts' in the hebrew it could mean the accuser. The devil is simply another term describing him another way...
  17. C

    The OT Prophecies Concerning Jesus

    Yes, Scripture speaks, or alludes to such. But Jesus the Christ fulfilled all of the above on what you have said. the Book of Hebrews especially covers this in detail.
  18. C

    The OT Prophecies Concerning Jesus

    These gnostic thoughts and teachings have always been proven false starting from the apostles. I hope and encourage you to look strictly at the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The four gospels that existed at the time of the apostles and their disciples. Not gnostic texts that began confusion...
  19. C

    The OT Prophecies Concerning Jesus

    The first, Jesus' genealogy in Matthew is in accordance to the Law. Remember, Matthew was writing to an audience of Jews. Therefore, their concern would be how Jesus' line is in accordance THROUGH abiding in the Law. And so, Joseph being viewed as his father whether legitimately or not is...
  20. C

    An Outstanding Resource

    One thing though, Simon Magnus was always seen by the ECF and others who were under the leadership the apostles left, as a heretic. This still points to the truth that gnosticism, at best cloathed itself as "christian" but taught very different things. i.e. the fundamentals of Christs...