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  1. light upon light


    This really embodies the core message of my own Faith. Sounds wonderful, and thank you for serving God in this way!
  2. light upon light

    Mormonism and the Free State of Jones

    I would have to say that it appears to me that the greatest problem in the world right now is that most all these different groups, political parties, ideologies and religions see themselves as monopoly holders of the truth, and that those crappy people over there are either ignorant...
  3. light upon light

    Mormonism and the Free State of Jones

    As a general rule, I believe that we each have our own row to hoe, and if we spend very much of our time thinking, much less talking about how someone else's religion is wrong, we lose sight of implementing our own beliefs in our lives and take our eyes off the goal. Worse yet, a significant...
  4. light upon light

    Does religion need to be exclusive?

    "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear involveth punishment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." - 1 John 4:8
  5. light upon light


    One thing I truly appreciate about the Baha'i message is that it really does recognize other religions as truth.
  6. light upon light


    I find that Catholics are, in general, very open to this and I appreciate very much participating on the prayer forum over at CAF.
  7. light upon light


    The more we really get to know and talk to those of differing beliefs, the more it erodes beliefs in exclusivism and the more it fosters a more universalist understanding. Because when we see that others are in fact like us in many ways, believing that God will roast them on a spit over a fire...
  8. light upon light


    I think they are sorely needed. This forum is itself a form of interfaith gathering, and we can use it as a way to learn how to accept and appreciate those of different religious and philosophical beliefs.
  9. light upon light


    Yes, we really must learn to jettison that sort of theology and come to a different understanding of how to see people whose beliefs are different from ours.
  10. light upon light

    Mormonism and the Free State of Jones

    I think someday not too far off we will view religious and political prejudice as just as backwards and benighted as racial prejudice is.
  11. light upon light

    Teaching children about death

    Which experiments are you referring to? Thanks!
  12. light upon light

    Teaching children about death

    Any links? Thanks!
  13. light upon light

    Where Is Muhammad Ali Now?

    I don't blame educated, scientifically-minded people for refusing to believe in this kind of axial-age mythology when it is presented as a literal, physical reality instead of being understood as an analogy.
  14. light upon light

    Teaching children about death

    They are convincing to almost all the people who have them, even the ones who used to be materialists / atheists. People who have NDEs and drug use experience say they are nothing like drug-induced hallucinations. This is a tautology, of course those people whose bodies are permanently...
  15. light upon light

    Teaching children about death

    Yoder, Those supposed "explanations" (and I have read all of them that I've ever come across) remind me of the fundamentalist Christians who think that they find dinosaur footprints overlaying human tracks disproving evolution. They simply don't hold up to the actual facts about NDEs in any...
  16. light upon light

    Teaching children about death

    But that is of course not true at all - such as my best friend Andy who died at age 12 in a car accident, or any of the people killed by that hateful, twisted human being in Florida this weekend. The truth is, none of us know when death is coming, and so we must focus our attention on how best...
  17. light upon light

    Teaching children about death

    What we do know is that many people who come close to death seem to "cross over" into a different kind of existence. I find their accounts very much in harmony with my own spiritual beliefs that it is our own loving or unloving heart that creates heaven and hell, both here on Earth and after our...
  18. light upon light

    Where Is Muhammad Ali Now?

    Is C.S. Lewis a Christian?
  19. light upon light

    Where Is Muhammad Ali Now?

    It is, to a certain degree, a Rorschach blot, or a mirror of the person reading it. People who are inclined to universal love can see that in it, while people who are inclined to tribalism will read that in the text. In a strange way, the text itself constitutes a judgment: "Judge not, that ye...
  20. light upon light

    Where Is Muhammad Ali Now?

    The very definition of hell is to be the kind of person who does not care about what happens to other people as long as you "get yours". Follow the Lord's example instead: "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." - Luke 23:34