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  1. AnInnocentBystander

    Need advice on situation concerning homosexual sister

    Which in this case would be the sisters sexuality and the partner undergoing surgery. Short of re-education there's nothing the OP can do aside from accepting her sister as a person and attempting to be there for when during her foray into parenthood (and the partners transition or whatever...
  2. AnInnocentBystander

    Need advice on situation concerning homosexual sister

    Pretty much, yes. Honestly how much influence do you really have over other people in your life? Are you responsible for her actions in any way? I sincerely doubt it. The only thing you can do is accept the fact that she's going to life her life the way she wants to or you can continue to be...
  3. AnInnocentBystander

    Need advice on situation concerning homosexual sister

    In life we all have our own roads that we walk down and no one path is the right way for everybody. We're all just trying to find our way to happiness and your sister sounds like she's found that. You may not like her lifestyle, which is perfectly fine, but you shouldn't make her and her...
  4. AnInnocentBystander

    I need help! I'm Really Depressed.

    The road to self acceptance is a long one that not everyone makes it through, but if you're strong and determined then you'll make it. I want you to think of at-least one positive thing to say about yourself every-time you see your reflection, little things like that help. If you want advice...
  5. AnInnocentBystander

    God evil?

    The reading comprehension in this thread is pretty horrible, I know that it's popular to have the "stop having a different opinion than me" mindset but getting up in arms over a question and someone's opinion isn't the best way to convince someone of something. I sometimes wonder if God might be...
  6. AnInnocentBystander

    Women as pastors question

    Since the 13th Century people also believed in Ragnarok, just because a belief is old doesn't mean it is correct. The church also believed in killing people because they were psychics or witches, which is another thing that is wrong. Furthermore you cannot have your standpoint and still believe...
  7. AnInnocentBystander

    Women as pastors question

    I'm not twisting your meaning, I'm simply showing you what you're actually saying. The rest of your argument in that post is dubious, at best, so I suppose you can continue to live about your life believing what you will. Your analogy implies that women are worth less than men, I honestly...
  8. AnInnocentBystander

    Women as pastors question

    There, I fixed it for you. I ran into a guy today that claimed the earth is hollow and filled with lizard people, that doesn't exactly make it true. Not to mention the earlier part of Peter was known to be sexist and therefor has a little bit of bias. But it does, either we're equal or...
  9. AnInnocentBystander

    Women as pastors question

    Yet you still side with the argument that women should not be in positions of power, which does indeed imply that women are less capable and trustworthy. You're trying to have your cake and eat it too, things don't work that way no matter how many anecdotes you decide to throw at that fact.
  10. AnInnocentBystander

    Women as pastors question

    The theory that someone would be inherently worse at something because of their gender is dubious at best. If a man represents the standard for which a human being is/must be and women must submit to them/can't be trusted to do the same things as them then they aren't on the same level...
  11. AnInnocentBystander

    Women as pastors question

    OP you're asking if it's possible things outside of your personal experience could actually happen, that question seems a bit silly. Also this whole "durr hurr teh wimminz shuld submit 2 men" idea a lot of people here seem to vomit out is staggering, I'm sure your...
  12. AnInnocentBystander

    I disagree with my friends lifestyle help!

    While you expressing concern in another persons lifestyle is a good thing, in this instance it's really none of your business what another person does with their life. You can always try to influence someone positively but in the end you have no right to condemn someone else's lifestyle choices...
  13. AnInnocentBystander

    A Girl's Love Is All I Need, and I Never Get It...

    Reading your responses throughout this thread have given me a little insight into you. You come across as obscenely prideful, and before you shout that you never said let me remind you that is irrelevant, if that's what you come across to some strangers on the internet then there's a good...