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  1. E

    What Iraqis really think

    I would hope that Iraqis are capable of differentiating between foreign colonial occupiers and a foreign force that is there to free them from a tyrant. The last time they tried it themselves, they got slaughtered. And more than a few wound up going feet first through a plastic shredder...
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    pic of transitional of Rino skull and reduction of toes on horse

    Woefully ignorant. That's why we have schoolboards debating controversies that science settled a century ago. -brett
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    Moore faces suspension?

    No one is suggesting that the framers didn't support religion. Almost all of them had some sort of religious tradition, they were simply against the government favoring one religious viewpont over another or over nonreligious viewpoints. Let's clear up a misconception that I keep seeing...
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    Moore faces suspension?

    The Constitutional Convention could have included a daily recitation of the Apostle's Creed and it wouldn't make a bit of difference. The United States is governed by the document itself, not whatever brief nod to religion the framers may have participated in. The document establishes a...
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    Moore faces suspension?

    Poppycock. What the framers did at the Constitutional Convention has no bearing on this issue whatsoever. The Constitution itself prohibits the government or its agents from promoting a particular religious viewpoint or tradition. This has been firmly established by the Supreme Court on...
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    Moore faces suspension?

    Apples and oranges. Civil rights protesters broke laws that were in direct violation of the Constitution as a means of achieving equality. Moore is violating the Constitution in order to give his religious beliefs special consideration. The two cannot be compared. -brett
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    Definition of micro/macro evolution:

    Define irony: A person who attempts to belittle modern science in favor of the creation myth of a Bronze age nomadic tribe attempting to label the last 150 years of scientific discovery a "fairy tale." -brett
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    Moore faces suspension?

    It's actually not his "right." He has no right to break the law, he has no right to violate the Constituion of the United States, and he has no right to ignore a ruling by a federal judge. He's blatantly violating his oath, the Constitution and the law because he knows that most people are too...
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    Moore faces suspension?

    Right, I spent my time in my AP Government class studying leftist revisionists like Alexis de Tocqueville.:rolleyes: This is the lamest attempt to divert an argument I've seen in a while. If you honestly don't understand the basics of Constitutional law, it's not because of the quality of my...
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    Moore faces suspension?

    This doesn't apply. The right to abridge free speech does not belong to the states either. Or are you going to seriously contending that the State of Massachussetts could make it a capital crime to publicly insult a Kennedy or some other such nonsense. Even if they did, the Fourteenth...
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    Moore faces suspension?

    And there we have it. Blemonds is employing the tactic we see so often from YECers, being deliberately obtuse. He's being absurdly pedantic about the phrasing of the First Amendment and trying to pass off the fact that Madison used the word "Congress." What he's ignoring here, and it should...
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    Roy Moore The Modern Day Daniel

    Yes I do, it's up for sale to anyone gullible enough to believe that Justice Moore's grandstanding is about a concern for anything other than his own pseudo-celebrity. -brett
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    The Summer of Sodomy

    I know, they just want to turn people gay. Better be careful, if you watch one too many episodes of Will & Grace you'll start wanting to have sex with other guys. Grab a clue. -brett
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    Extensive salt deposits falsify the worldwide flood

    Really, and it was created on top of many layers of rock that contain the fossils of dead organisms? So it is a great big gag then? -brett
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    The Summer of Sodomy

    That's the great thing about organized bigotry, if all goes well, it eventually becomes a lonely place to be. -brett
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    Aclu Strikes Back

    I think the person who originally posted the links debunking Barton is on to something. I see this guy everywhere in Christian media (still a post-deconversion guilty pleasure). I found the argument for his dishonesty quite compelling and I was curious if there was a rebuttal. That and the...
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    Aclu Strikes Back

    Still waiting on the response to the allegations of academic dishonesty, did you have any luck with them yet? -brett
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    Aclu Strikes Back

    Wanted to bump this back up so that we can hear the "response" regarding Barton's academic dishonesty. -brett
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    Aclu Strikes Back

    If I understand the situation correctly, they weren't denied use of the park. They were denied the steep discount they had been receiving for use of the park. In other words, they were paying much less than other organizations to use the same facilities. In effect, this amounts to the city...
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    Best pet to get?

    It is also important to remember that many popular species of pet bird have enormously long life spans (as long or longer than humans in some cases). Many members of the parrot family are a lifetime commitment and a few may very well out-live you. Make sure that you are willing to make that...