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    Keep thinking about this dream..

    I wouldn't sweat it. hormones make kids think and dream funny things at your age. . . I'd write it off as that and not fret.
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    Funerals...cremation or burial?

    My pets, if possible I entomb them in a concrete block. I had two cats that were cousins and one died much before the other so I had him cremated and when his cousin died I mixed the ashes of the one cat in with the concrete I used to entomb the second. The concrete leaches the moisture out...
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    Fighting with friend? What does God say?

    Matthew 18-15-17 . .. . Once the air is cleared, both ways, either make a commitment to work on building the friendship and discuss concrete ways to make that happen or agree to part without resentments.
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    Frigid Wife

    You have discussed it, but have you asked the right questions? (the following I don't want answers to, but they may be useful questions for you) What does she enjoy about sex / what does she not enjoy about sex? Has she experienced sexual trauma (some studies say as many as 1 in four women...
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    I am really scared about the end......

    It is good to prepare for the zombie apocalypse . . . not because there is likely to actually be a zombie apocalypse . .. but because real things like natural disasters, rioting and looting, and stuff can actually happen. The end of the world is kinda the same thing. Be right with God...
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    Graduation: To go or not to go?

    You are under no obligation to invite him & it might be best that you don't. A lot of young people post in this section & some of their issues are. . . . more in their head than out. Some people post with stuff that is really real. I am thinking you probably belong to that second camp & ask...
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    Graduation: To go or not to go?

    If your father contributed to the funding for your education, the right thing is to invite him. He might not come. . . could be too, later in life you may come to value aspects of your relationship you are mad about now. You say "Throughout my adolescence it felt like my dad made my life...
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    what is the clear difference between anger, unforgivness and hatred?

    Anger is a secondary emotion. There is always something else at the root of it. Check this out: I feel angry when _______. Why do I feel angry? Because it is embarrassing, because it is unfair, because . . . . If you start analyzing what is at the root of your anger it gets easier to deal...
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    Miss Hollywood

    You have been beautiful for a long time and your husband is fortunate, bluegreysky. It isn't wrong to take note of the conditions of others, while the fortunate draw the eye . .. there are those in need that always seem harder to see. Jesus saw everybody & even though the "rich young ruler"...
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    Is faithfulness in a Christian marriage possible?

    Dump him, but not yet. That'd be my advice. Integrity is a virtue that touches on many things . .. a lack of it brings lies, cheating, crime, cover ups. . . I guess I should qualify that. Getting caught can be a learning experience & there is an old saying about the reliability of people who...
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    Husband lost Attraction to Wife

    Sounds like he is cheating and looking for an excuse to justify. . . I think she should get to the bottom of it & then take appropriate action to make sure he can't afford his mistress.
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    seeking christian council about my son's daycare

    I'd be more worried about Calvinism in the teachings of a PCUSA daycare, than any concerns about their stance on the controversial topic de jour. It is very fashionable to be pro-gay marriage these days & folks that disagree are the favorite punching bags of the media right now. It is easy to...
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    help the homeless

    What country? How do you know her? How many children? What culture?
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    When to cut off a friend?

    You can give someone space, without cutting them out (depending on the context of the friendship). I view cutting someone out as a formal "Look man, I don't want to have anything to do with you. . . bugger off" You can revisit contact with them in like a decade or two & if they are still...
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    Christians and guns

    In the Wild West (prior to the 1860's), they (African Americans) usually were called slaves and didn't have firearms. . . In the United States, most gun laws have their origin in protecting KKK members from their intended victims. Gun Control and Racism are still pretty tightly intertwined in...
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    Christians and guns

    Well, sure, it bothers me . . . however, I love those that I love too much not to accept the neccessity
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    Disagreement among Friends

    For Sure! I have gay friends and white supremacist friends, equal rights activists and strippers, Pro-unions Statists and Anarchists bankers, bishops and politicians, cops and career criminals. . . believe me, we have plenty of disagreements. My gay friends know I am straight, my white...
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    When Is It Okay To Fight?

    As a rule (mine) if it ain't worth shooting over, it ain't worth fighting over. You can quote me on that. If you can get away with just wounded pride, insult, even physical insult (a slap) then stand down, record it on your cellphone and report them to the authorities. If on the other hand...
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    Custody resources for a dad (support group-type)?

    Thank you. My wife and I were talking about it again tonight, about emails exchanged between the lawyers and it upsets my wife so much! These things hurt me, which distresses her, but then too unfair and unrealistic things were said about my wife and she was never even given an opportunity to...
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    How Do You Genuinely Love People You Don't Know?

    I tend to think about someone I do love, a family member for example & what would I want the situation to look like if that was my mother/sister/wife/dad/son/daughter. . .. I don't have to know the stranger, I just have to think what would I want a stranger to do for my loved ones & then I...