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  1. K

    How to Spank a Child Biblically?

    Admittedly, I'm against spanking and it's aginst the law here, so our son does not get spanked. But no crying allowed and extra 30 whacks for any sign of crying? What if a child just can't stop crying, could that potentially lead to spanking sessions of half an hour or more? And while I do...
  2. K

    Spanking babies?

    The replies here makes it seem like spanking babies is actually not that common. I have to admit I could't really understand why one should do that since babies don't cry just to be disobedient or knowing fully well they are not supposed to do that. I have once heard it is done to "break their...
  3. K

    Spanking babies?

    As I said, we had never planned to do that in the first place. But from what I have read, it does happen and I find it very hard to understand why since I don't think babies are old ennough to even understand it.
  4. K

    Spanking babies?

    This is a question which came up because I'm pregnant rigth now (6th month) and have been reading a lot about raising children and especially about babies - I guess that's what most soon-to-be parents do. One thing that came up in an article is that, at least in the United States, it is quite...
  5. K

    Would you renounce Christianity under torture?

    I'm a bit surprised that quite a few people are so certain they would be able to suffer torture and not renounce their faith. To be completely honest, the way I am right now, if I was the same when suffering torture, I'm pretty sure I would say anyting they would want me to say just for it to...
  6. K

    Men Using the Women's Bathroom

    Using the words "many" and "probably" doesn't really make it better. Yes, I read them, but that just weakens what you have said a little. This discussion isn't generally about trnasgender and homosexual people, it's about using restorooms - a tiny aspect of the entire discussion.
  7. K

    Men Using the Women's Bathroom

    You are going too far there. Way too far. You cannot judge if someone is a Christian or ot just because they don't share your views on this one topic.
  8. K

    Men Using the Women's Bathroom

    [Staff edit] Actually, I have known women who have had voices so deep that first I thought it was a man. One of them was a teacher at my school. She looked like a woman and I don't think she has ever been anything but a woman, she just had a deep voic (which can actually happen for all kinds of...
  9. K

    Sex before marrieag - just not the women?

    Yes, he said exactly that. Women are supposed to wait, but only they, not the men. Generally, he does tend to go a bit far with a lot of stuff he writes, but I wanted other people's views on this because that one really surprised me.
  10. K

    Sex before marrieag - just not the women?

    First, I'm sorry if this is the wrong area, I wasn't sure where to post it, so if this is wrong, I'm kindly asking the mods to put this in the right area. Recently, there was a discussion on a different Christian forum about sex before marriage. I know, old topic, has been discussed a thousand...
  11. K

    What is modesty to you?

    To be honest, I have also worn a bikini at the lake where everyone goes swimming. It still absolutely covered everything and I don't think it was one to attract attention compared to what quite a few other people there were wearing (I'd bought it a size bigger to make sure it covered me well)...
  12. K

    How to explain how you feel without gossiping?

    Not every talking about other people is gossiping. I talk about other people a lot: about my pupils (anonymously) when I need advice from my mother who is a teacher (and she sometimes does the same) or when my boss and I need to figure out how to help a child, about stuff that happened at work...
  13. K

    Should a Christian man be the solo breadwinner?

    I agree to a certain extent. Women don't have to wash the laundry by hand, sew the clothes for the family or, in many cases, wash the dishes... so there is a bit more time left, although I remember my mother had other things to do, like help us with our homework. But even while she was a...
  14. K

    Why are certain sins more "popular"?

    I have often wondered about that as well. Especially the sexual sins seem to be so interesting to many people. Once I saw a discussion on a forum where someone was concerned about a couple wanting to get married - they had confessed that they had already had sex before getting married annd...
  15. K

    Having a bf instead of a husband or fwb?

    If you love someone, there is always a risk of being hurt, so marriage, in a certain way, might be a risk. But while it might be a risk, I think being single and sleeping around has much more potential for being hurt. Before I met my fiancé, I met men when going out who were more or less...
  16. K

    Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis

    In my opinion, any book by C. S. Lewis makes a great birthday present.
  17. K

    The Push and Pull

    I havethe same problem because I have generalized anxiety. Anxiety is something Christians shouldn't have and I know that and I know this makes me incredibly flawed as a Christian - if God wants me in that state which I am in. But I still joined a church, figuring that if I want the chance of...
  18. K

    How's your 30 something going?

    I'm 31 and the onne thing that has shocked me is the deterioration of my health. I have cardiac arrythmia and have to take beta blockers. My grandfather already had that in his 20s, but still, I would have preferred to be a bit older when that happens. Other than that, I'm only now getting...
  19. K

    Career Women - So far from what God intended

    While I don't think every woman needs to have children, I have to confess that I don't understand when people say stuff like that earth would do much better with less humans. Earth itself doesn't care what happens to it. The animals don't care if they die out eventually. We humans care because...
  20. K

    Should christians listen to secular music?

    I have to admit that I dislike a lot of Christian music. In Germany, much of it is way too close to the now again pupular "Schlager" (if you want to know what that sounds like, look for Helene Fischer on YouTube) and I really can't stand it, even if the text is Christian. And I don't think there...