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  1. N

    conservative american war propaganda

    Soooooo, I suppose you will be one of those cheering for 'liberty' when the time comes to nuke Iran to please Israel.
  2. N

    Dozen Armed With Guns Protest Obama Speech

    On three separate occassions over 40 years I have used a firearm in self-defense. Brandished I believe is the term you and the remainder of the all-knowing Left seem to prefer. Yep in each case all I had to do was brandish said weapon and those with ill intent found reason to be elsewhere. Never...
  3. N

    Dozen Armed With Guns Protest Obama Speech

    absolutely- there are far too many wannabe NKVD Action Squad types ready to follow the North American Hugo Chavez (or is Mao he models himself on???) in your ranks to do otherwise. Far better for all concerned that even the thickest among you realise that there are rather narrow limits to the...
  4. N

    Dozen Armed With Guns Protest Obama Speech

    which happens also to be a Right we Americans have which just ain't gonna be surrendered to suit a gaggle of braying lrftist donkeys.
  5. N

    Dozen Armed With Guns Protest Obama Speech

    As I said earlier I will not accept curtailment of my Rights to coddle the Feelings of angst ridden fools.
  6. N

    Dozen Armed With Guns Protest Obama Speech

    well the soooo much for the pathetic lying leftist claims of intimidation, eh
  7. N

    Dozen Armed With Guns Protest Obama Speech

    Sport I really don't care how you take it or where you put it. Google the data just like I did. Here is a HINT: start with the Port Arthur Massacre and the subsequent firearm confiscations in Australia.
  8. N

    Dozen Armed With Guns Protest Obama Speech

    and sooooo what- were the lawabidding made to surrender their firearms such violent events would still occur and crime in general would increase.
  9. N

    Dozen Armed With Guns Protest Obama Speech

    Sad to say then you must be a VERY angst ridden leftist to run your mouth about my gun ownership as much as do while having far bigger worries still
  10. N

    Dozen Armed With Guns Protest Obama Speech

    I see VERY well, though I have a suspicion most of what you see is an illusion.
  11. N

    Is America becoming another dictatorship?

    That is how all 'law' starts. Needs to be nipped in the bud BEFORE we have to listen to you ilk telling us that we 'need to knock off the scaremongering' about the new censorship law since there is no reaon to believe that the prez will abuse his Powers.
  12. N

    Dozen Armed With Guns Protest Obama Speech

    What would that be? The Obamanation of Change? Tell ya what- I will keep my Bible, my guns and my Property. You keep the change, K
  13. N

    Dozen Armed With Guns Protest Obama Speech

    Just why should a Right NOT be exercised BECAUSE our doing so causes YOU angst????? Hmmmmmm? Tell ya what though If ever there is a situation where drawing/firing my LEGAL concealed carry could save your life from a criminal or terrorist to respect your 'pribciples' I will step aside and allow...
  14. N

    Dozen Armed With Guns Protest Obama Speech

    I see- you Feel 'threatened' by a desire to avoid your company. You people are dangerous.
  15. N

    Dozen Armed With Guns Protest Obama Speech

    Thanks for proving my point that the left is an aggressive dangerous enemy of ordinary Americans
  16. N

    Dozen Armed With Guns Protest Obama Speech

    Why am I not surprised to learn that you think you have a right to conduct home invasions to annoy people with mindless leftist blather
  17. N

    Dozen Armed With Guns Protest Obama Speech

    If harassed on the street by a braying leftist I am well prepared to compel respect of my private surrounding space.
  18. N

    Dozen Armed With Guns Protest Obama Speech

    That would not happen. Certainly were you to trespass on my Property you would receive abrupt and unmistakable direction to peddle your unwelcome opinions elsewhere.
  19. N

    Dozen Armed With Guns Protest Obama Speech

    Yes, "whatever it takes" to compel arrogant pushy intrusive people to mind their own business.
  20. N

    U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy dies

    Prayers for the dead are useless.