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  1. C

    Does anyone wait until marriage to have sex anymore?

    I actually think it's the opposite. I've heard Christians say before that they want to get married as fast as possible so they can finally have sex. Not to say that Christian virgins who marry don't love each other, I'm just saying they can rush into a marriage just so they can finally have the...
  2. C


    Also, I wonder, Creech. Why do you get to be a "real" American, whereas other ethnic groups residing in the country don't get that status in your mind? After all, your ancestors were not native to this country, I'm guessing. I think you just like thinking that white=real American to make...
  3. C


    Many, many Americans, of all colors and ethnicities, share these things as well.
  4. C

    Man says he fired more shots then neccessary

    Disgusting. Shooting someone for laughing at you isn't self-defense. It's murder. I understand his firing the first shots to bring them down, but anything after that was completely unnecessary and he should be punished for it.
  5. C

    The log in our eye

    Ah, you beat me to it. What legal basis could there possibly be for banning divorce? If anything, the government should be interested in keeping it as easy as possible. Last I heard, divorce cost a lot of money, some of which goes to the state. Marriage, in the United States, is a legal...
  6. C

    Using the exception rather than the rule

    It's called an appeal to emotion, and both sides use it to their advantage. I do see your point, so I try to avoid making those arguments. It's kind of like when pro-life people talk about murdering babies. It's meant to extract emotion and make the other side out to be monsters who don't care...
  7. C

    defending your views

    And why do I care how things have been for all of human history? There have been parts of human history where marriage meant one man and seven wives, or an old man and a twelve-year-old, or forced pairings meant to unite families, love or no love. No one is asking you to marry a person of the...
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    defending your views

    And that's just fine. But legally, all people should be given the freedom to marry who they want. You don't have to call it married, the government should.
  9. C

    defending your views

    Can any married person detail exactly how a same-sex marriage "lessens" their own heterosexual marriage?
  10. C

    Facebook Photo Of Plymouth Woman At Tomb Of The Unknowns Sparks Outrage

    The Internet is different because every comment you make and every picture you post is preserved forever. Nothing ever dies. There will always be a record of your drunken photos or racist comments. It is hardcore proof. If someone comes to the employer and says they heard any employee say...
  11. C

    Facebook Photo Of Plymouth Woman At Tomb Of The Unknowns Sparks Outrage

    I think the employer is totally within their right to fire her. People need to learn that everything you post online is public and a reflection of you. It's the same as when people were posting racist things after Obama won, and then got fired. If a company doesn't want such a disrespectful...
  12. C

    Why the uteran double standard?

    True, true. I shouldn't have generalized. In regard to the bolded, that is really the heart of it. I could sit here screaming about how things "should" be until I'm blue in the face, but that doesn't mean it's going to happen. Instead, I would rather take the rational, reality-based course...
  13. C

    Why the uteran double standard?

    I agree. It is reprehensible. I see it in virtually every abortion argument. "Girls shouldn't be having sex if they don't want babies!" But when you try to explain that contraceptive access reduces abortion rates, it's like pro-lifers stick their fingers in their ears and whine, "I can't hear...
  14. C

    FFRF sues IRS to enforce church electioneering ban

    Churches don't have a right to be tax-exempt. That is a privilege. They can say anything they want, but if they want to get involved in political discussion, they lose the privilege of not paying taxes. There are other things that can cause this loss of privilege, but churches seem to be most...
  15. C

    Why the uteran double standard?

    Oh, I know! Because it is not about "saving babies" at all. It is about punishing women who choose to freely exercise their sexuality.
  16. C

    The million dollar question, sex before marriage.

    Cheating is more about lying and breaking a commitment than just sex. There are plenty of people in polyamorous relationships that have sex with other people than their spouses. The difference is that they're open and honest and not sneaking around. If both spouses agree to have sex with others...
  17. C

    Why the uteran double standard?

    First of all, it's spelled "uterine". Second, I don't believe you're really pro-life. I believe you're pro-[bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse]-shaming. This isn't about the life of the child for you, or else you would be all for...
  18. C

    The million dollar question, sex before marriage.

    Why should it be shameful?
  19. C

    Pro-Choice Versus Pro-Life

    Yes, and people like yourself would like to limit what options I have. I've never had an abortion but if I got pregnant right now I would. And yes it would be selfish. Sometimes people need to be selfish.
  20. C

    Why can you get in trouble for not doing jury duty?

    I assume this part means you're pro-choice too?