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  1. C


    is there anything in the Bible that refers the someone or something as being a child of the church or a child of the gentiles?
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    more of God's laws

    not really what i was getting at.
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    more of God's laws

    is there anything that alludes to more laws as in laws that He didn't tell anyone. like the laws of the OT are a partial list?
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    Can you be a Christian and a practising homosexual and still be saved?

    homosexuality is part of the law but the law is a curse. Christ can remove the curse.
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    more of God's laws

    is there anything in scripture that suggests that there are more laws than those given in the OT books?
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    (Gay Children) Kidnapped For Christ -Documentary

    Remember how Jesus says to love him or he'll send you to burn in hell for eternity? Forced love doesn't make any sense at all.
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    Can you be a Christian and a practising homosexual and still be saved?

    And when studies of identical twins, identical DNA, showed one twin would be gay while the other was straight, that then precludes the claim that gay is genetic. It's not choice. Sexuality is defined by more than genetics. Either way if someone ends up being gay because of something they...
  8. C

    is it just if God...

    random genetic mutation caused us to sin--which I don't believe is possible I wasn't suggesting that getting ill was a sin just the fact that it can't be stopped. If the blood of Christ can forgive anything then that mean anything right....
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    Can you be a Christian and a practising homosexual and still be saved?

    why don't you go and ask a gay person if it is a choice or if they are the way they are because that's just the way it is?
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    Can you be a Christian and a practising homosexual and still be saved?

    To willfully continue to sin isn't how it works. Homosexuality is not a choice. It's just the way people are.
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    Can you be a Christian and a practising homosexual and still be saved?

    I don't think you are very knowledgeable about what causes homosexuality.
  12. C

    Can you be a Christian and a practising homosexual and still be saved?

    why don't you actually ask someone who is gay whether or not they can control their sexual orientation instead of guessing.
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    is it just if God...

    I would say no because God told them not to eat. That was direct from God. The serpent said something else. A choice was presented.
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    is it just if God...

    Well.... I think God caused the fall. He set people free into a world that is good and evil which includes healthy and unhealthy, fear and safety etc. Freedom may seem precious but is it really? Without freedom nothing bad would happen because we would be living in the garden of Eden. What...
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    is it just if God...

    Emotions are real and would have to be considered in fairness too. It's not fair necessarily for someone to feel bad.
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    is it just if God...

    That's only because you think the world should be perfect. Do you think the apostles thought it was fair that they should be hunted down and martyred? And yet, the whole time, they preached God to the end. Better yet, you should read the book of Job. Quit whining and pick up a Bible. Quit...
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    is it just if God...

    I'm pretty sure it's not fair for a 4 year old to be diagnosed with cancer when there was no way of preventing it. That's environmental. You can't change that at all. Totally unjustifiable.
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    is it just if God...

    if God built this world that means he put people in a place where there is the possibility of suffering when a person has done nothing to deserve it. perhaps it is for contrast purpose. how would someone know how great love is if there was nothing to contrast it with? if God never allowed Eve...
  19. C

    is it just if God...

    .God is the Logos of the universe, the Logic of all reality. As such, you need to come down off the 'fair' argument and think more critically, Uh, I beg your pardon. If justice is true justice it has to be fair.
  20. C

    is it just if God...

    yeah. i don't dispute microevolutin which is just gene pool ( think breeds of dog and cats) and people evolve through learning too.